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Bloody Murder by Drakhenliche

Bloody Murder


I present to you the Morvarg. Supernatural wolves of the spirit world: they patrol its shadowy borders, hunting down anything that tries to make it back to the land of the living. Occasionally they come to the mortal plane to drag away unfortunates whose time is deemed to have come and those who attempt to cheat death. Their bite causes lycanthropy so anyone bitten by one and not dragged off to their realm is doomed to die and rise again as a dire (undead) werewolf. The Morvarg are not really undead themselves as they were never alive in the first place.

Generally they appear at first glance as large, black wolves with glowing green or red eyes. Very occasionally one may be white. This appearance can change, with their skeleton seeming to show through as a pattern in their fur and, if really riled up, any resemblance to a living creature will vanish and what remains will be a very angry skeleton surrounded by smoke, burning inside with in inner balefire light that sears the soul. They are almost always accompanied by unnatural crows which are an extension of their being, scouting afar for them.

In other news: it's nice to finish something new :)

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Visual / Digital


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    The composition of this is really cool - it looks like the crows at the top have descended on something to devour it? Also, this would make the raddest of t-shirts.

    • Link

      Thank you! Yes something along those lines. Or possibly they're taking off from there?
      I've debated making a modified version of this as a tattoo... but since I'm still debating it with myself that means it probably won't' happen. Funny you should mention about t-shirts, I actually got a vest with it on from my redbubble :D