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Legend was She could stop a train... by Gluepaw

Legend was She could stop a train...

Gluepaw staring it down.

So this'll be my official review of Watch_Dogs, i guess. I'll put the TL;DR at the front to save you some time.

Is this game worth $60? (or your price equivalent): i honestly have a hard time recommending it at this price,
but its going to definitely be worth a pickup at the first steam sale. wait too long and the multiplayer base will dry up,
which is really where this game shines.

So. Watch_Dogs. I'm not going to talk about the PR bullshit and "broken promises" and e3 footage or whatever.
If you're not used to big companies lying about their games, well...

Is it "definitive next gen"? no. a true next-gen game isn't going to happen for another couple of years, at best.
The game is definitely pretty, and the recreation of Chicago is freaking massive.
This is probably the best execution of city scale that i've ever played. If that makes sense.
You are completely DWARFED by the structures and sheer ground area of the space,
which is a nice change from something like Infamous or GTA, where truly tall buildings are scarce.

Gameplay-wise, the game is pretty standard. You can shoot, you can hack, you can shoot while hacking.
There's obligatory slo-mo, a wonky cover system, a weapon wheel that really needs to go back to consoles where it belongs, all the good stuff.
Where Watch_Dogs really stands out, to me at least, is the multiplayer.
There are several different online modes, but the most common you'll run into is "Online Hack".
This is a Dark Souls-esque invasion mode, where a player drops into your game and tries to install a virus on your phone.
This can happen at any time, and you are only notified once the enemy player has started his hack.
Both of you have access to all of your tools, though the enemy player gets penalized if he shoots you,
while your goal is to kill him before his hack succeeds.
My description can't do it justice, but it is very VERY fun.

As far as issues with the game, Mine were mostly minor. There are quite a few infamous glitches (like the train glitch i'm making fun of with the image), but the game runs mostly fine.
You cannot shoot while driving. This is a bummer, but makes a little sense (since you're using your phone and you still need a hand to steer, or something.)
Police are also infuriatingly persistent. Seriously. You make fun of how easy they are to evade in GTA and Saints Row. They're easy because if they're difficult the game really stops being fun.
At one or two stars they're fine, but once they start using choppers and ctOS scans on you, it is very difficult to cleanly evade them without blowing consumables.

In all, i enjoyed the game, but its far from perfect.

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