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Issi character study by uropygid

Issi character study


Issak Terraum (aka Issi), the ~*~fabulous~*~ turian

Rather well-known in the fashion circles as a photographer; he sometimes also does work for Fornax and private circles. He likes flowers, and likes to take vista shots of plants in their native settings, and sells prints of these photos for too many credits.

He's very sweet with his subjects and he puts most models at ease; but he's a real pain in the rear for editors to deal with, and many call him "Terraum the Terror" behind his back.

He also likes to wear some pretty weird and fanciful clothes! He's always happy to act as a walking mannequin for some up & coming fashion designer; he's also fond of adapting other species' current fashions to his body, especially asari clothes (because the low-cut fronts show off those sternum piercings; those things had to be drilled in, so yes, he is proud).

A few example outfits shown:

-Adapted from popular fashion, and yeah, he's down with crossdressing.

-Fav club outfit! Red leather & sheer lacy fabric, with glittering lights & chains hooked to his piercings. YYyyeah.

-Adapted from human fashion, and he loves fun textures like fur and feathers!

He's quite vain, and trains in turian martial arts to keep his body fit and adept.

He loves clubbing, loud music and cocktails; also being as gay as George Takei and Freddie Mercury on Broadway

Turians & everything else Mass Effect are property of Bioware/EA

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Visual / Digital