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Ref sheet for Zewi by EkBellatrix

Ref sheet for Zewi


This is for ZeWi on FA :3 He's been seriously the best! So patient!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    ZeWi is one of the nicest clients I've had. c:

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      Isn't he? I took absolutely forever on this because I'm getting way burnt out on doing ref sheets, and he understood and was so incredibly patient. ;w;

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        Thank you so much for this. It's exactly how I wanted. I'll be commissioning you again soon, maybe with LinZ (adopt from Sybil). I bet you would draw her gorgeously. Thank you again. Weasyl needs a star rating system like ebay for artists. 5/5.

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          =u= Ah gosh, you're so incredibly sweet! <333

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      Your adopt is still so adorable. I had a piece drawn of her. I'm working on more ideas. I'm so glad you faved it. Thank you very much.

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        I'm so glad! Thank you for supporting us artists with such a pleasant disposition. ♥

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          Thank you for allowing us [the people] your art. I spend a lot of time watching how others treat you awesome artists and I don't get it. I find awesome artists and when I like what I see, I buy it. I specifically wanted Goobs to do my ref sheet because I love how her art looks. I didn't just buy art, I bought her art and it didn't matter how long it took, I wanted her art. When I came across your adopts by chance on a "buy me this for art", I fell in love with the one I bought [now named LinZ]. I loved the style, the design, and the hair... so much the hair. Sorry. I rant a little, but people shouldn't buy art. People should buy the artists' art. That's what I believe and that is why I am so thankful for you artists that allow me to buy, let alone see, your art. Thank you a million times, thank you. [official end of submission hi-jacking]

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            Wow thank you, I'm honestly speechless c: Please keep that state of mind, it will make you a reputably fantastic client, which is just bound to bring you more happiness! And of course- you're spreading it as well ♥