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The Ritual by TideKeeper

The Ritual


Corbin has always dreamed of proving himself as a true conjurer, a summoner of spirits from the void. He's gotten by with parlor tricks, sleight-of-hand and illusions long enough, but it's all empty, all for show; it might entertain the tourists for a while and line his pockets, but it just isn't enough. He yearns to perform true magic, the death-sorcery of his ancestors, to harness and control a power from beyond...

Worst of all is that he does have a gift, one that mocks him at every waking moment--he can see spirits, can hear them, but he can't truly communicate with them. That is, he couldn't, until he learned of a long-forgotten ritual said to enable one to commune with the very realm to which all living beings return, the SoulStream itself. With this knowledge, surely he'd be able to draw forth a spirit, an actual orb of life energy! No longer would he be a mere illusionist, but a proper magicker, a necromancer!

He dove right in, never hesitating for a moment. And within moments, he knew, deep down in his bones he knew that this was true magic, old magic. He could feel the divide between the living and the dead beginning to crumble, torn apart by his own will!

But he never could have imagined what waited just beyond the spiritual threshold, the imprisoned nightmare he'd invited back to the mortal plane...

This is an idea I've wanted to get onto paper (figuratively speaking) for quite some time now. I really like the dynamic between these sorts of characters, I don't entirely know why. :/

Ah, well. To be continued~!

Corbin and Azrael belong to TideKeeper.

Do not steal them. I'll fill your shoes with hagfish slime.

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Visual / Digital