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Modified sans oc refer (errorxxxink) by Lunoris

Modified sans oc refer (errorxxxink)


Finally made my own sans ship child. This was half assed because I put a bet against my self that this would have a more original none edgy backstory then the other Errorink kids.

So let's start information dumping.

Name: Modified Sans (modification is used in general to enhance something to be better then what it is. Making fun of the fact it's a "modified" sans.)

Age: 18 (has the oldest starting age)

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Normally relaxed and chill but has a short temper and will normally seek some alone time when upset/angry. He is also kind of a jerk at times; he can easily detach from someone emotionally. He is overall friendly and easy to get along with.

Biology: He himself is a rare ship to encounter because of the specifications required to create him. He is NOT artificially created. He was also wanted during the affairs (general urge of wanting kids). Most likely came from a multiverse with more advanced technology then the rest hidden away because fuck that.

Unlike most kids, he took a interest in music, seeing raves close and personal. He learned how to make digital music at a young age and mainly does it for fun with some financial benefits but nothing special. He specializes in making techno-hardcore.

He believes in the recreational use of cannabis.

Powers n Shit: He actually has no attacking powers (besides going up to the person and kicking and punching them). Instead he uses his ability to make music as a means of influence (in game attacks is just like stepmania expect when you fail a move it does no damage and effects the attack stat by lowering it as well as the will to fight. When both hit zero, the battle ends) to emotions. Depending on his mood he can give off happy, sad, angry and other vibes.


Hp: 8,000 (regenerates every few turns)

Attack: 0

Defense: 100

Submission Information

Visual / Digital