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Me-you's Long Tail by MviluUatusun

Me-you's Long Tail


I've mentioned how long Me-you's tail is so, I took this photo of her showing how long her tail is compared to her body. As you can see, her tail is easily 2/3 as long as her body. She's growing fast and furiously. Currently she weighs over 5 lbs. (2.25 kg.) soon, she's probably outweigh my 2 y.o. cat who weighs over 10 lbs. (4.5 kg.) and she's only 6 months old.

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    Does Me-you have any Siamese in her? That would explain her weight (they are quite dense) and Siamese mixes are frequently mostly or all black.

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      To be perfectly honest, I have no idea of Me-you's ancestry. Someone found her this past June under an oak tree on our property. She was 4 weeks old at that time and starving half to death. She ate a full 8 oz. can of cat food when it was offered to her and she's been eating anything and everything she can put her mouth around ever since. LOL. She's a sweet, loving cat (when she ain't bouncing off the walls like she's just finished drinking 4 cups of espresso and eating 5 tablespoons of sugar) that loves to be held and hates to lose sight of me even for 10 seconds. She's done something that no other cat I've had has been able to do; she's managed to make my mother grow fond of her. (My mother isn't a fan of animals.)

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        Considering the hint of a kink in the last inch or so of her tail, I'd say her chances of having Thai ancestry are pretty good. Beautiful thing that she is, I kind of like shiny black cats.

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          And she's a very loving little girl, too. I can pick her up and she'll just let me hold her as she looks around. But, she can be an aggravating s#!+, too. LOL. I like to say she's trouble going someplace to happen because she's into something ALL the time.

          As for the kink in her tail, I believe that's just the tip of her tail laying across a roll in my bed sheet. She's sitting next to me as I write this and her tail is without a kink. My mom, however, says she doesn't look like she's full blood cat. (I don't know what else she could be, though. LOL.)