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SL :: Chocolate Lab Mod - 2018 Update by ainsley

SL :: Chocolate Lab Mod - 2018 Update


Copy paste from the black lab one.

... Life/work/depression in the way missed the Black Friday launch date... rip, so on and so forth. Took longer to get this ready. Moving on to chocolate tonight. Might try for the other three colors (Mosaic/chimera update + addition of red and silver) and launch ... eh, let's say by Nov 30 (when I'm off next, after this coming Tuesday).

Only be for the Raawr Wolf at first, but I have other canine avs/av parts to add... Also in the near future.

I'm using the Caboodle shading base again for the body. Other than keeping the fur textures I made for the attachments, and the lips/nose/eyes on the head, this is otherwise from scratch/ The only texture I didn't change was the tongue/claws.

(ps: these are -preview- pictures or likely not finalized mods. save your keystrokes if you want to criticize basically anything. i don't need to hear it because i probably already know. i have already seen a hell of a lot more of this than you, i -really- don't need the comment. kthx. i'm at something like 15 hours just between these three.)

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