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Nabira - Referenceh Sheet by Alkraas

Nabira - Referenceh Sheet


>>B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N<<

Name: Nabira
Species: Brown Bear
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Diet: Omnivore
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Mate: Tiras

>>P E R S O N A L<<

Nabira loves the feeling of being protected and being hold close by someone, especially by her mate, she also likes to talk about what bothers her, since she is very insecure about herself, especially about her behaviour. In her free-time she is mostly seen drawing or doing other artistic things, it's her passion and a big part of her life and is a help to escape from stress, she often daydreams as well to escape from real life stress and to calm down a little.
Her favorite season of the year is autumn and winter, she loves the soft rainstorms and the beautiful colors of fall and the glistening snow in winter.
Nabira is attracted to chubby and big people, and also likes to feed her mate food and vise versa.

She can't deal well with high levels of stress, she often starts to shake and lose her mind, she can't deal with children as well, they put her over the edge with how annoying her are, especially when small children are screaming and screeching all over. She just hates babies and children. What puts her extremely off is when people are rude, without any reason and treat others without any respect at all.
Some of her fear and extreme dislikes are big groups of people, heights and the experience of being locked in small rooms, they both make her very nevous and stressed. She can't cope well with either of them.

When Neutral:
She is very silent, only talking when adressed or when someone else starts a discussion. She's also mostly seen alone, occupying herself by drawing or just daydreaming.

When Happy:
When she is happy, she is very hyper and overreacts in a joyful state, often screaming in joy and yelling. She starts to talk a lot more than usual as well and can become very clingy too.

When Sad:
Often she just wants to have someone to talk and get's even more sad when nobody is there. Often crying when emotions take over her, frustrated and lost in negative thoughts and she might end up hurting herself by clawing into herself.

When Angry:
When angry she tends to be very aggressive, wanting to scream but stays silent to not annoy or put off other people. Just like when being sad, there's the possibility of her hurting herself.

When Annoyed:
She is not very easy to annoy but when she is annoyed she often tip-taps her claws on objects or on the ground and lets out frustrated sighs. However she doesn't say what annoys her to not put off others.

>>A P P E R E A N C E<<

She is a very chubby bear but that won't bring her down at all, she is comfy with her body and has to thank her mate for that, he gave her enough body positivity. She would like to be taller though, since she is very very small compared to others.
It's very soft and long, covering her full body. Her pelt is colored in four different brown tones, decorated by soft teal colored spots. Neck and tail are the fluffiest parts of her body.
When wet, her fur starts to clog together, getting darker and hardens a little, losing it's soft touch.

Her eyes are blue colored. She is able to see really good and can read from a normal distance as well. The further away, the blurrier her vision gets.
When adjusted to darkness, she is able to see silhouettes of people and objects. She is however not able to make said objects and peoples out.

>>H I S T O R Y<<

Nabira was born into a loving and caring family, she had no trouble or problem growing up when she was a small child. The older she got, the more she got picked on because she was always a silent creature and because of her weight. She got bullied verbally and physically.
This left her with mental scars, such as mild depression waves and mild anxiety attacks but she slowly learns to cope with them. As a young adult she got to know her mate, he asked her if she wanted to be with him. She declined at first because she was afraid of relationships and getting too involved with people. After some time, he asked her again and this time Nabira accepted, nervous still, but she trusted im.
Now she is in a haply and loving relationship with her mate, who tries his hardest to help and support her.

>>S T A T S<<

Perception: 6/10
Creativity: 8/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Charisma: 5/10
Social Skills: 3/10
Friendliness: 9/10
Self-Confidence: 2/10
Humor: 8/10
Passion: 8/10
Empathy: 9/10

Last updated: 19th of November, 2017

Reference Sheet and Character (c) :iconalkraas:

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