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Kinkajou by keida



Totem of the Day is Kinkajou! Take some easy, meditation walks through nature while making sure to let yourself stop and pause to take in your surroundings. Now is a time to keep calm concerning critiques or view points that don't match with your own. Do not overreact. There may be additional vibrations around you in the coming time so be sure to pay attention on whether they are personal or simply the vibrations around you becoming more known to you. This may be a prelude to a possible leap of faith so be prepared to open your mind to opportunities so that you will know if they are right or not. If right, press on without hesitation! It may also be helpful to your health to add more vegetables, fruits, and grains to your diet. The Kinkajou spirit is known for it's connection to gentleness, intelligence, open-mindedness to abstract concepts, and deep connections to mother earth and the plant kingdom. When Kinkajou shows, it can often mean that a new beginning may be nearby for you. Kinkajou reminds us of our subtle connections to the vibrations of the world and to keep calm when replying to others. Harsh words are unneeded in your situation. This spirit guide can help you to have faith in situations you feel lost, to see in the darkness that sometimes comes to us all, and to remember our gentle natures. Due to their sensitivity to vibrations, it is thought by some that they can sense coming earthquakes. People who connect with Kinkajou are curious with a love for exploring, yet are quite shy. They mostly prefer the close company of their family and friends. At times, these types may need to dart away to Nature in order to maintain their mental and physical health due to their high connection to Nature spirits, trees, and plants.

Kinkajou, Potos Flavus, are also known as the honey bear and are omnivorous mammals that belong to the Procyonidae family including coatis, raccoons, and ringtail cat. They are the only member of the genus Potos. These animals live in the tropical forest of Central and South America with a preference for closed-canopy tropical forests. An adult Kinkajou grows to approximately 24 inches long, weighing up to 10 lbs, and possess an additional 22 inches of tail.They are perfectly adapted to living in the canopies of trees. Kinkajous possess long, prehensile tales that are strong enough to act as a fifth arm. Their tail enables them to hang from trees, help with balance, and aid as a warm blanket to wrap around themselves during sleep. These incredible animals are even able to turn their feet backwards in order to run in either direction along branches or up and down trunks. Strong, claws, their rounded ears, and habit of raiding bees' nests are a few of the reasons they are called the Honey Bear. Their diet consists of insects, honey, fruit, and small mammals. A long, flexible tongue allows them to lap honey from hives or to pull insects from inside of trees or nests. Being nocturnal, much of this activity happens at night before returning to sleep in tree holes. Sometimes, they will lap nectar from flowers which helps to pollinate plants in their area. Kinkajous will gather in family units in order to groom each other, however, foraging for food is a solitary act. Breeding occurs anytime throughout the year. Female Kinkajous will give birth to only one or two babies at a time. These young ones will stay with their mother for up to a year before moving on to a territory near their mother. Male offspring will often more further away from their mother's territory while female offspring tend to stay closer. Kinkajous can live up to 40 years in the wild.

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