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Fatty Text Adventure: Elefatty by FattyRick

Fatty Text Adventure: Elefatty


"You are a male Elephant that weighs 2587 pounds and is 5 feet tall.
You have a body that is so profoundly obese that it would be more accurate to describe it as an immense accumulation of blubber with a person trapped inside it, and although you retain the ability to move, it is always entails a catastrophic display of jiggling folds, rippling curves and heavy breathing, and the dreadful prospect of collapsing looms over your body in the same way your body does over everyone else. Strangers stop to gape in awe at the first glimpse of your enormity, and even your close ones often get distracted midsentence by the fascinating sight of constantly shifting and rearranging flesh, but in the end both tend to cope with their amazement by changing their perception of you to that of a mysterious mythical creature or a spawn of some magical mishap, and dote upon your borderline helpless form out of kindness or superstitious awe. The giant doming mass of your body makes your head look diminutive in comparison, and your anguished face is swollen enough to make half of your mouth sink into the ladaceous cheeks sprawled on the slab of fat that your weak neck is distended by; your pitifully slouched shoulders have a barrelful of blubber stretching their Pink Skin. Your arms are profoundly and tenderly obese, thick as a small beer barrel and swim with fluid undulatons when you shift them; your supremely fleshy torso is doughy and voluminous, especially the baggy breasts covering the summit of the enormous stomach below. Your gorgeously padded back lacks the sufficiently potent tone and is heavy with its own furrowing blubber, but is charged with the agonizing ordeal of supporting your girth nonetheless. During brief lulls in your feasting schedule when you are not stuffed to the gills, your immense belly - about as large and heavy as the rest of you, and the definite focal point of your anatomy - has its own center of mass and inertia that asserts itself whenever a rapid movement is made, and looks like you have just swallowed a small cow; if someone were to embrace you, they'd have to climb onto its upper sloping surface, and extending a hand in greeting to a more modestly built person would invite them to brush against your paunch to make the clasp. Your belly incorporates your astoundingly filled-out hips, and sinks down past the knees, with each lumbering step making it wobble and slosh threateningly; the great blubbery rolls on your flanks are an arm's length deep and encircle your form from under the shoulders to the middle of the belly. Your bottom has the texture of a fine spongy dessert, and is given its girth by a cushion of lard nearly two feet thick. Considering the magnitude of loose weight dragging your frame down, its continuing mobility seems downright miraculous, although you know bitterly well that it's nothing but excruciating toil that keeps you moving, and your trembling legs have massive thighs thick as yearling walruses that are smushed together tightly enough to force your knees widely apart, followed by the corpulent calves below. Your legs are pitifully overstrained carrying your staggeringly obese form, and even with a firm cobbled road beneath your feet and an empty travelling bag behind your back, you move by careening and lurching drunkedly, using every surface within reach for support, and in an event of clumsily running away from a fierce beast, not even the prospect of becoming your pursuer's banquet makes the desire for a lengthy lie-down any less tempting.
Your pink thick stomach is person sized and sticks out 2'1"

Yep, I had fun with this text game made by noone noone and decided to do something like this. So I named my adventurer Elefatty because he's an elephant and he weighs 2587 lbs, quite a hefty size! Well I mostly encounter lemon slimes and Elephant Dryads but I mostly got Elefatty fat by going to the restaurant a lot.

Here's the link for the game:
Have fun!

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