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Chubby Bunny Challenge by vetoknox

Chubby Bunny Challenge


Yep! Back again with the TFs! Hope you all enjoy this one as it's released! I thought it be fun to write some dialogue between this youtuber couple as everything unrolls!

"Hey, How's it going, everybody? Today we're gonna have this nerd attempt the chubby bunny challenge for our entertainment! It took a lot to drag him out of his D&D club so I hope ya'll appreciate it!"

"A-Adrian, why didn't you let me put my p-pants on?"

"Gotta have that eye-catching thumbnail, Trevor! And right now not is the new hot, so you just sit there looking geeky an' gorgeous, and start shovelling in those 'special' Marshmallows!"

"What do you mean by... L-Look, please let me put on my pants... I-I'm shivering, man..."

...After the challenge...

"...And that's it for today guys! I hope you enjoyed this video an... Er, Trev? Did you just swallow your entire mouth full of marshmallows"

" Gulp! Sorry, I couldn't help myself! I was fighting urge to eat these things the entire time! Man are these delicious..."

"Well, they are Cottontail's stuff. They're quite famous overseas..."

"I'm not surprised! I could eat these little delights forever! You should bring them to our next Doctor Who marathon! These are definitely Tom Baker worthy!

"Is that so, sweetie... heh heh..."

"W-What? Y-You're done filming, right? You can shut that camera off now."

"O-Oh sure! I mean it's not like they're gonna miss anything interesting..."

...After some editing...

"Heh, you're still eating those Trevor?"

"Mmph?! Gulp! A-Adrian! Why aren't you editing the video?"

"Well, I heard a lot of mallow-munching in the other room and it was distracting me!"

"S-Sorry, but you don't understand. These are ambrosia. I mean, Oh my God!"

"Ha Ha! Well, at least someone is enjoying them..."

"Ohh... Please don't stare... It makes me all a-flush..."

"I'm only staring at the number of empty packets lying around your greedy ass."

"It's only my third- wait... fourth packet! I can stop -Brrp- when I want to..."

"Hmm, I doubt that. Just as I doubt your underwear can contain that massive rear of yours."

"Well, I may have had six and... W-Wait, what did you say?! A-Adrian... Why can I barely see my feet? And why are they big and fluffy? And why are you not surprised?!"

"Ha! You just got pranked, bro! Don't you know Cottontail Confectioneries make the best Animal Transfiguration food products in Europe? And you downed 10 bags of them! Oh you should see your face!"

"D-Dude! We got Comic Con tomorrow! I can't turn up there like... t-this!"

"Relax, they'll just think you're a furry or something. Besides don't you feel so squeezably huggable!"

"I feel bloated and silly! Gurgle! And my stomach keeps making noises like it's been betrayed! Which it has!"

"Hey! Calm down! Your chair's wobbling over!"

"Don't change the subject! You know how I feel about your pranks!"

"Why do you think I do them, hot buns?"

" Huff! D-Don't get flirty with me, sunshine! I've got the means to crush you now!"

"You know, I wouldn't mind that..."

"Ugh... You're such a -Creek!- Woah..."

"He he... I'd think about standing up now otherwi-"


"That will happen! HA HA!"

"Now my butt is fat AND bruised..."

"Aaw, come on man! It was just a prank.


"Look, was it the stool? Was it that nerdy sweater vest? I'll pay you back."


"You know, you do still look adorable!"


"Oh, and the blush really sells it!


"I've got more."


"That's my Chubby Bun-"

"DON'T finish that if you don't want my 3 ton ass on top of your head!"

"Ha! Is it bad that I kinda... wanna..."


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