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Birthday Kaznoa by Yza

Birthday Kaznoa


Another birthday picture! This time it's Buttwings' birthday. Since I did a picture of Diddgery and friends in the style of Animal Crossing for her birthday, I thought I'd do the same here.

Klonoa is a very important game to Buttwings, but I've never played any of the games in the series. I have watched a coulple of playthroughs of the first game though. Buttwings' fursona, Kaz, is dressed as Klonoa, who means a lot to her. Didge's sheep is Tat, who I'd never heard of before asking Didge who her fav character is. Apparently Tat has quite a crush on Klonoa, which is just perfect. I dressed my fluff as Pamela, because I like her and the hoodie I thought up was too good.

It's not as grand a picture as the one I did for Didge, but that one grew a way beyond what I'd originally intended. My original plan was a lot closer to what I did here. I think this one has its charms though.

But the greatest thing about this picture is that it made a dear friend of mine happy on her birthday.

Not sure if it's clear, but that Huepow looking thing is supposed to be a cake.

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