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Philip Adler - Western Dragon Form [Reference] by PheagleAdler

Philip Adler - Western Dragon Form [Reference]


Finally have a reference for my Dragon form, thanks to aggrobadger aggrobadger!

This reference includes three poses: front, back, and human form with my spelunking outfit and accessories. Also a headshot with the mouth open.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    You know, I did the math and I'm pretty sure you've spent between $30,000 and $50,000 on commissions of yourself.

    Have you ever considered something like charity instead?

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      Charity, to pay my bills? XD

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        I mean you've literally spent tens of thousands of dollars on your fetish.

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          You must have spent a lot of time looking for prices. I will not disclose the exact figures but I will say it's spread out over 6 years and includes a fursuit and something I paid with my tax refund a few years ago.

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            Nah, basic math. All I did was take a look at your FA gallery and assume an average of $30 per image, which is probably undervaluing them quite a bit but the non-commission pieces make up some of the difference. You're unquestionably well into the five-figure range and likely either in or approaching six figures.

            I mean, you do you, but this strikes me as a tiny bit excessive.

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              I have been keeping track and I assure you it's nowhere close to 6 figures, but I am trying to cut back.