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Zekei Ref by spiralofvertigo

Zekei Ref


Since I couldn’t sleep very well here’s something I’ve been working on for awhile; I have a lot of very unfinished projects laying around so I’ll be chipping away at those.

Here’s an old backstory write up of this guy:

He was born a mutant; his coloring is very very rare among Swifthorn and he was also born with a very battered and mangled left arm. It was amputated right away and a simple prosthetic was made for him as a child to help his body get used to having control over something in place of it. His permanent prosthetic was built when he turned of age though he rarely wears it. He likes to stand out.
When he was young he was very outgoing; he was fascinated with other races especially humans as they are obviously the most unarmed of the races in Laynair except for the hybrid humans. It absolutely fascinated him how people got along despite differences and how people helped each other out.
None of his family were really all that interested in politics they were a normal city family. His father was an engineer and his mother owned a restaurant so he was exposed to many different individuals at an early age as he loved to go to work with her.
Despite his interest in becoming some sort of leader he had trouble paying attention in school; but even with that people saw him as a leader. He was always trying out for being a ‘credit teacher’ (credit teachers in Laynair are students that know enough of the information to teach a small class while undergoing training to get higher positions. Credit teachers can finish schooling early or have students appointed to them so they can act as private mentors.)
Zekei was a mentor teaching combat techniques to students interested in joining the army. The army in Laynair at this time was very secretive so even if they exhausted all of the material the school provided they would still not be told exactly what they were to be doing. Zekei; being the sneaky inquisitive person he is, kept in touch with friends who’s family worked as leaders. Rumors got around about the lawless and what the army was really about. Patrolling along the very edge of the line between the major cities and the lawless.
This made him interested in joining the forces just to see if the legends were true. He became a patrol officer and during his early stay at the border nothing much went on. A few dangerous creatures would venture up but they were taken care of easily; but one day a Shilusk ( what Thizen is here ) came up demanding entrance to the city.
The policy of foreigners coming to the cities was very extensive and very harshly enforced. They declined his entrance and he attacked, overwhelming the patrols caught off guard of the sudden violence. Zekei and his few surviving allies attacked the Shilusk in a pack, throwing their weapons to the side as they were all but useless against a tank like this guy. His friends being killed struck a chord inside of him making him rethink what he had gotten himself into; the only thing that was previously driving him was pure curiosity. The Shilusk knocked him away almost rendering him unconscious and went after the ambassador at the time who had come to see what all the fuss was about a bit of a foolish idea even though times were very calm then.
Zekei in an act of courage; took the opportunity of the Shilusk’s shifted attention and caught him under his armor and dealt a heavy blow knocking the Shilusk out.
With the Shilusk down the ambassador was shaking, he was incredibly grateful and impressed by Zekei’s bravery and strength; offering him a position on the council. Zekei; even though thoroughly shaken by the experience, happily accepted and under went training to become the next ambassador of the main cities as well as the Swifthorn people as a whole.
Even though Zekei was very popular in his classes; and knew a lot of people, rumors went around about his training and what went down. Zekei at the start of his rule (ambassadors in Laynair are appointed a lot of power and speak directly to the council) he was very interested in the Shilusk species which at the time were not allowed in the cities due to the fear of their violent nature. Which in fact was false, every race has some bad eggs.
The people believed Zekei to be the return of Dakacyn in the fact that he became a speaker for the more violent races. He became even more eccentric in his interests but retained his popularity for the most part among his friends and older followers as well as teen aged residents loving his carefree attitude and the fact that he owned a huge nightclub.(His mother gave over the restaurant to him and he by all means renovated)
Taking his job very seriously he however does pull strings whenever he needs to and has a few secrets up his sleeves in his beliefs and morals. Though he is very kind he is still very much driven by his curiosity.

Zekei resides with mee

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  • Link

    That's a sick-ass design, holy moly.

    • Link

      THANK YOUUUU. I am super glad you like him. <3

      • Link

        White, dark gray and blue is a winning combo.

  • Link

    Gorgeous <3