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Asterismos : Smultronställe by Rowedahelicon

Asterismos : Smultronställe



(n) lit. "place of wild strawberries"; a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness.

My Smultronställe is a real place, a large lake around 3 miles down a nearby road for me. Picture for reference :

I first found this place on a car trip up to Vermont, we drove by the street it was on and I was taken back by how this beautiful place exists so close to my house. I had to see it again. This originally was my push to start walking at night, as it is 3 miles away from my house. Leaving at 5 am to go see it allowed me to relax, and get back in time to see my family for breakfast before they all went off to work.

This place was my sanctuary for the last half of 2015, until I started to get sad going there. I imagine bringing along my ex, holding him on my back and asking him to keep his eyes closed while I walked over to this specific spot. Having him open his eyes, see the wonder before him, it would have been great. I kept imagining it every time going here and soon this place started to turn into a sad one.

Sadly, I haven't been back in a while, i hope to start walking here again soon. Hopefully it will become a nice spot for me again, though I am with my doubts.

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    The ORV/walking trail that stretches along the canal back in my home area of MI. I was upset that I couldn't drive to my preferred hang out spots anymore, as my sister stole my car and I never again regained my own transportation while living in MI (now I get mass transit). I used to hang out in different spots along a slate rock river, in which I scattered the ashes of my original trio of rats. I love that place so much..until the mosquitos try to suck me dry of blood.

    The other place I loved to be was a particular beach along Lake Superior. I'd go rock hunting there, and I'd be there for hours wandering around, or I'd swim if it was hot enough out (Lake Superior is wicked cold until late summer/early fall). I would often take our family dog there so she could wander around with me.

    This ORV/walking trail was the closest to me that I could be near the water, and not have to be upset that I didn't have a car. There's a million little lovely spots around it.. my favorites are 1. the 'greenbark birch forest' (the bark on the trees looks a pale green and is super lovely). The sides of the trail are flanked with these trees, and it's a bit of a magical experience walking thru that spot on the trail. 2. the 'little river' where I scattered the ashes of my Opal (rat, again). I was upset because I couldn't get to the slate river where I scattered Maxine, Freyja, and Luna's ashes (original trio), and I found this intimate little river flowing thru this chunk of land jutting into the canal. There's no trail in that area, not even a foot path, and it's covered in young trees. This tiny creek flows into the canal, which is right at your feet. I like to think it would be a perfect setting some some fantastic mythical adventure.. it IS rather enchanting <3