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1πŸŽƒπŸŽƒ "Severed" Head Icon challenge! by StarsTheMutt

1πŸŽƒπŸŽƒ "Severed" Head Icon challenge!


it occurred to me that most of my watchers cant afford full rendered pieces
(or that's at least what i have expressed to me by many of them)
but my icons are still rather cheap, ranging from $10 to $25...
i've also been wanting to push for halloween themed icons with
my floaty "severed" heads.... all this in mind, i got to thinking,

"HEY, i could do a big grouping of icons over the next month or so,
create a wallpaper for all the commissioners to have - using all the
heads that get commissioned - so everyone involved can be a part of
this big ol' thing!"

so, that's precisely what i'm doing!
introducing the 100 "SEVERED" HEAD ICON CHALLENGE!

now, i've had someone bring up the concern that the "goo" could look
too much like blood and that it'd be against FA's AUP for Avatars, (and
i'm not sure about Weasyl's rules either, so just to be safe, the same
rules apply here) so i've also created a "smoke" design - which could
make the head look like a little ghost, and tentacles to make the heads
look alien :3 goo avatars, i will be included in the challenge BUT you
can not use them as avatars here on FA due to the AUP. If you want a goo
icon, but still want to use it as an avatar, i can alter it to have
either smoke or tentacles to be used here on FA/weasyl.
examples of "Goo" icons here:

-I will be taking 100 of these, and only 100. they'll be $15 a piece.
-They will be completed between now and october 31st
-I will try to get a minimum of 3 icons done a day over 33 days to get them completed BEFORE halloween.
-Each commissioner will recieve two files, One of the 200x200px and one of the 100x100px GIF to use as an avatar here on FA (or wherever) AND their head will be added to a mass group-image that can be downloaded and used as a 12000x8000px wallpaper :)

-SFW refs ONLY please!
-when snagging a slot, fill out this small form:
A) what facial expression would you like?
B) Goo, Tentacles, or Smoke?
C) References
-only send payment when I have replied to YOU with my paypal address... I'm doing it this way, because i don't want my notes being flooded with icon commissions...
ALSO, I dont want random payments from people I dont know. if I didn't approve it beforehand, I will send the payment back, and no icon will be made for the person who violated this rule.
-Be friendly to other commissioners!
-Do NOT get upset if you dont make the first 100. I will have the oppertunity for 15 more icons once the initial challenge is complete.
-No previews will be given for this challenge, however, if minor details need to be changed (ex: i missed a marking or something small like that) I will be MORE than willing to fix it, no charge - just let me know before the end of the challenge.

If you're interested in this icon-bonanza, and would like a slot, leave a comment on the thread I left below!

Art Β© Samantha Oren whocrysforthestars
Characters Β© their respected owners

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    reply to THIS comment if you're interested in getting an icon!

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    all other comments below :3