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Ratings Guidelines Community Discussion and Going Open Source!

Posted by Taw

Greetings Weasyl users! We have a few new things to inform you about today. Let's get started!

First, we have opened up a thread on our forums for a community discussion about the current Ratings Guidelines! In the discussion thread about the Ratings Guidelines, we are looking for constructive criticism on any potential improvements you think we could make to our system. That means anything that you think needs to be added or removed, or whether you find some aspect of our Guidelines hard to understand. This thread will be open until June 18th, 2016, after which it will be closed and the staff will review the feedback and make changes to the official site document accordingly. We look forward to hearing from our users!

Second, we would also like to announce that Weasyl's site code is going open source! This means it will be easier for interested people to review Weasyl's programming, make suggestions, and even propose improvements and new features. It has been our goal to go open source for a some time, and has taken longer than we'd hoped to get permission from everyone who contributed code during our three years of operation, but now it's finally happening! Some details are still being worked out, but specifics will be discussed on our Development Twitter.

That's all for this news post! We hope to see you in our forum thread and our next site update!