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Avatar for MissPizzaPie


Captainpizzapie / 25 / female / Florida

Wants to write a comic
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed
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Request on Deviantart!

Foe more information, please click here. -->

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I made a twitter account!

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

Can't reach deviantart

As the title says, I can't seem to reach deviantart. Is anyone else having this problem?

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

Contest on DeviantArt

I'm doing a contest over on deviantart! Join if ya wanna

MissPizzaPie’s avatar


It looks like hurricane irma's track has shifted to the west and now it's heading for my area. I may be offline for a while.

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

I need some writing advice

I wanna write a webcomic, but I need some help. I have the story in my head. The story is about my characters Lori and Erika who live in small place, and they find out that being roommates isn't quite what they expected. But I have no clue how I should write it. Is there anyone that can help me out…

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

Paris, France

I'm sure you all know already but earlier today there was a terrorist attack in Paris with 153 people dead. So if anyone here is from France please stay safe. You are in my prayers.

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! That's all I can think of saying...

MissPizzaPie’s avatar

My camera is broken.

As the title says my camera is broken (Which may or may not have been my fault.) so I won't be able to upload any drawings any time soon. (Not that that will make a difference.) Looks like I'll have to wait for my parents to buy me a new one. (Whenever that will be.) In the mean time though will st…

MissPizzaPie’s avatar


Hello Weasyl people! I'm new here. I came from dA and I made this account because dA is going through some problems right now. I hope to meet many awesome people on here! My dA account