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2015 In Review by Mr. Dubcat

2015 has come to an end...

A year full of new worlds, new friends, and new characters! And although some projects planned for the year never made it into tuition, so many new things were created!

It was a year full of milestones, my art reaching a whole new quality, entirely new original characters and even species! So many new worlds that are awaiting to be expanded!

Overall, the year was great, and I'm glad I did so much more than 2014 :)

Now It's time for Honorable Artists!

Honorable Artists is where I selected several users and feature them at the end of the year, as a celebration of their impact with GToons-Inc! This was very difficult as I met so many deviants and I needed to select Five for the honors :( So Here it is!

  1. palmettodragondude I met Palmetto during the summer of 2015, he is a great artist who draws dragons and sergals like me! He even has his own species!

  2. Noxid With an awesome character, a fun modern style, and an interest on the 80's and Busby, Noxid is a great friend and artist that you must follow!

  3. RevanTheDragon A great character and interested into dragons like me, Revan was one of my early friends and still my best :) He also composes his own music!

  4. sorenpenguin I absolutely love his smooth cute art, and all his characters are so cute! And they're birds! He is a great artist and friend.

  5. awsome185 Finally, this spot is for my friend, Brandon. He and I met during the second semester this year, and our friendship bloomed over the season. But we parted both ways after summer. But we stayed connected though deviantART. Brandon is a fantastic friend with great art, interested in Dragonball Z, Sonic, and roleplaying. You must watch him.

And to those I did not feature here, do not be disappointed.

All of you that have follow me, favorite and commented my work, and loved my characters, I thank you. Because in times of tears and loneliness, you were there to help me, Nothing would be here now if it wasn't for all my fans, and that makes me feel great. For the past 2 years, I enjoyed making new art, and meeting new friends interested in my world, and I am very excited for 2016, to give you new art, characters, and worlds.

The future is brighter than ever thanks to you all, and I hope you'll be with me for 2016 :)

2015 In Review

Mr. Dubcat

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    ( 'w')/ yay!
    I'm flattered to be featured, i've just been having fun watching you!
    Here's to another great year, I'm sure you'll do well with your new tablet