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Cons and pros and pros and cons by ericthemoogle

Con: A port of a port is not necessarily a bad thing... but for whatever reason it's a port of the mobile port, which means it resembles a Flash game.

Pro: Maybe someone will release a mod to make it easier on the eyes? I mean someone modded the mobile-to-Steam verson of III so the menus are actually sensible and not awkward for-a-touch-screen-but-not-actually-on-a-touch-screen nonsense.

Con: FFV is in basically the same boat as VI is Steam-wise and nobody's really done anything meaningful there.

Pro: VI is considerably more popular than V so maybe there's still hope?

Con: ...but it's still a pre-VII FF so the chances of people giving a crap is still kinda up in the air

Pro: FFVI as a base game is strong enough on its own so maybe that'll be enough to compel people to make the only real PC version less awkward.

Con: I already have access to versions of the game that aren't so awkward and I imagine most people who care do too so it might still not happen.

Con: I've wanted a way to play this game on PC in an official way for a long, long time now and now that we have it its this version. Did I wish on a monkey paw and forget about it or something?

Con: I just transcribed my argument with myself about whether I should pick it up now or wait for awhile, what the fuck is wrong with me.

Cons and pros and pros and cons


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    I didn't even know FF games were on steam until you mentioned it/linked it @u@;;; but considering it's not as expensive as buying the original game I say go for it imho