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FurFest Friday Fursuit Photos Sneak Peek 周五兽装照片提前看 by kakurady

Just uploaded the photos from last Friday from Midwest Furfest.
刚上传了Midwest Furfest 上周五的照片。

I want to get some feedback before going ahead and posting the rest of the photo.

First is that I've started putting watermarks on my photo. I want my photos to be attributed, so that I can be recognized as a photographer, however measly my skills are. Asking other people to write my name doesn't seem to help that much, sometimes they plain forgot or just "found it on FA" or "on Facebook". But I also don't want to have watermarks that are so big, conspicuous, and distracting, that they get in the way of enjoying the photos. So to that end, I'd like to have some feedback on the watermarks, even if that's just "it's fine, I don't mind".
首先我开始在照片上加水印了。我希望我的照片带有署名,这样我能够作为一名照相师得到认可,即使我的照相技术如此微薄。请求别人写名字并没有什么用,有时候他们就忘记了,或者“在FA上找到”或 “在Facebook上找到”那些照片。但我也不希望我的水印如此的大,如此显眼,以至于让人们不能欣赏照片的内容。所以我希望在水印方面能够得到一些反馈,即使是”没问题“。

Also is that I've been tweaking images in a raw processor. I'd start from the camera's default way of reproducing light and dark, and usually that's enough. But then I might see that the subject is all white and make the whole photo brighter, or make the colors pop a little more, or crop the image so it balances better. It's not quite "photoshopping" as I'm using RawTherapee (not gonna pay for Photoshop if I can get Free Software with Freedom included) and I'm not doing any local manipulation of the image; but one thing that can change the interpretation of the image dramatically, is the white balance, or what color is considered "white" in the photo. This can make the whole photo warmer or cooler, and in warm hotel lighting, it's hard to say what's the "correct" color without having some kind of reference (which I forgot to bring). On top of that, the "best" color is not necessarily the "correct" color. When in doubt, I've put multiple versions onto Flicker, so please give a comment and let me know which one you like best. :)
另外这些照片我在数字底片(raw)处理器中处理过。起始点是照相机默认的再现光与影的方式,这一般就够了。但是也许我会看见照相主体是全白色的,于是把整个照片变得更亮一些,或者让颜色更加鲜艳一些,或者剪裁照片,使它更加平衡。算不上 “photoshopping” 因为我用的是 RawTherapee (与其每年付年费,为什么不用自由软件呢) 也没有做任何的局部处理;但是有一件事可以大幅度改变观众对照片的理解,那就是白平衡,也就是什么颜色算是“白色”。这个设置决定了整个照片是暖色调还是冷色调。在酒店的暖光照射下,没有参照物的时候,很难说哪个颜色是“正确的” (参照物也忘记带了)。并且,“最好的”颜色不一定是“正确的”颜色。遇到不能决定的时候我就把每个版本都放在Flickr上了,所以请留言告诉我你喜欢哪个版本 :)

(Also even with the badge photos writing down everyone's name is a lot of work ugh)

Anyway, here is the link to the album:

FurFest Friday Fursuit Photos Sneak Peek 周五兽装照片提前看


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