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Schedules, Upping Commission Prices, and Life! by Caticus


I am creating schedules to follow to get all of the work that I currently have on my queue.

I already have the schedule for tomorrow created.

I would like to create a schedule for the entire week, but with how crazy unpredictable my life is, I should just take it slow and start planning a day ahead. xD;

My plan is to get at least 7 hours of work done a day, preferably in the morning hours. I'm planning from 9-5.

Of course, there will be plenty of breaks in between, and this is flexible because who knows how this will work out for me. I have 15 minute breaks scheduled after every hour, so I will have 1.5 hours of breaks. x_x It's going to be hard for me, too because well... I don't do breaks very well. LOL I'm hoping that it will keep me from getting burnt out, though. I just have to figure out what to do in the time I have breaks. lol

So, I'm excited for that!

Upping Commission Prices

As much as it gives me GREAT anxiety to up my prices, I have to pull up my big girl britches and get my responsibilities into gear.

I love all of you... very very much... and I know that we are all struggling even if it's not financially... and we all work very hard for our money! I don't like upping my prices because I know it can be a bit shocking to those that have been used to my prices being steadily affordable for a long long time.

But right now, I am the primary source of income... and there is absolutely no way for me to get a job outside of my home at this moment in my life. So, I have to put my pride aside, and do what I have been recommended to do by friends for a long time... and that is to stop underselling myself.

That is not to say at all that everyone that has bought from me over the years should feel guilty. Please do not!!! I LOVE working at an affordable rate. I LOVE even doing free art! It's like I was telling my friend on chat just now, if I was rich and didn't have to worry about money, I would do art for FREEEEEEEEE ALL DAY LONG! I would prefer it that way because honestly, drawing for money is VERY STRESSFUL. LOL SO MUCH PRESSURE. X_X

But anyhow, I just thought I would give a quick explanation for why I am upping my prices so drastically.

Just please be aware that these prices are actually very reasonable for how long I spend on each piece... and if you compare them to other artists of equal quality. ;w;

If you can't afford my new prices, I am so so sorry... Maybe one day in the future I will be able to lower them again, but I know it won't be anytime soon. Just remember that there are so many other artists out there that have more affordable prices, so there is the bright side! <3

So, for now, this is what we are looking at that I will be offering (NOT RIGHT NOW, THOUGH... I need to get all of my work on my queue complete first. <3):



Traditional Sketches
Head, bust, and full body - $20 +shipping if desired
(These are all the same price because they will all be drawn on the same size paper. Head shots will be much bigger and detailed than the head on a full body, for example... They will be sketched with minimal hatch-shading with graphite on basic printer paper.)


Colored Sketches
Head - $20
Bust - $35
Full body - $50
(Refined, clean sketches with color and minimal shading to add depth. Comes with texture overlay and color backdrop.)

Colored Drawings
Head - $40
Bust - $55
Full body - $70
(Beautiful, crisp inks with color and minimal shading to add depth. Comes with texture overlay and color backdrop.)

Detailed Drawings
Head - $60
Bust - $75
Full body - $90
(Beautiful, crisp inks with color and detailed shading/highlighting. Comes with texture overlay and color backdrop.)

Front view - $65
Back view - +$50
Head shot - +$40
Action pose - +$40
Accessories - +$10-$20
(References will be inked with flat coloring. Name, information, and color swatches will be added for free. Comes with textured backdrop. You will receive the .PSD file with your reference to make changes easily in the future if desired.)

Head shot - $35
(Icons will be drawn at 500x500px. They will be inked, colored, and minimally shaded to add depth. You will receive the original 500x500px image and a 100x100px... or any other size you may need. Texture overlay and color backdrop added.)

Full body - $45
(Imagine your character as a sweet babe with big, puppy eyes and little toes!!! These will be inked, colored, and minimally shaded to add depth. They will be on a transparent background.)

All prices will be subject to change if they need to be, and they may vary depending on the complexity of characters, added characters, added props/accessories, etc... n_n

I will also be opening deal journals from time-to-time for emergencies or just for goofing around if I have extra time.

I know that with my prices going up, my demand will most likely go down, so my queue will probably gather cobwebs, and I will have much more free time. xD

Life Updates

I have been working on figuring out ways to make my living situation better for myself... and I have decided to move all of our stuff to a different room of the house!

It's MUCH MUCH smaller than the one we're in right now, but the one we are currently in is like... the heart of the house.

It is connected to the kitchen, and the stairs are right in our room leading up stairs.

There is nowhere in this room for my introverted self to hide... ANNND it's all the way across the house from the bathroom...

The other room is off to itself and has MUCH more privacy... which will be perfect for me. :3

The only noise that I will be hearing that I'm not looking forward to is people pooping... because the bathroom is right next to the room. LMAO

But that beats having to listen to my in-laws hoop and holler in the kitchen or playing loud music up stairs while I'm trying to relax and work. U_U


It is going to be a tough job, though. Whew. :3

We are going to paint the walls, too. I'm thinking of doing a color like this:






Thank you for reading, and I hope you all had/have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Schedules, Upping Commission Prices, and Life!


Journal Information
