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LONG JOURNAL AHEAD!! by RedHeadedReptile

I don't believe in god. I don't believe in spirits. Nor do I believe in some sort of divine entity. I don't even believe in politics, as liberal/conservative and authoritarian/libertarian, or even capitalist/socialist, only seeks to divide without empathy based on fear. Just fear, and nothing more. Fear of a vague cause in the environment we created. No if, and, or but about it. I could say the same about any religious doctrine or superstitious and impulsive fear of the unknown.
What do I stand for? Nature, kindness, and the resilience of both. Not a "mother" nature, not a "mother" earth. Just nature, just earth. Just existence. To be, or more specifically, to be an animal, as we all are animals and have the conscious decision to be as such.
This isn't to deny darkness, or nature's unforgiving wrath. It's about the respect of it. To be grounded within it. There is both a light and a dark to everything. Balance united in understanding. While it may seem vague, the only term to describe life truly is, without a doubt, understanding. We have the power to say "stop!" and take a step back to observe. It's the key to living as we know it right now. Nothing is binary, nothing is concrete aside from the extreme few basic principles that, when misconstrued, can bring about hatred and discontent, even violence, based on what is merely animal in nature.
I take after Vash the Stampede in not in the oh-so repeated term of "Love and Peace," but "Awareness and Consciousness."
I take a step back. I flow like water... Like Spike Spiegal. Flowing like water through cracks in the wall and remain as resilient as the earth in which my habitat is built on. I look around and see that my chemical imbalances are of fear. A basic animal impulse that causes nothing more than hatred, violence and destruction for personal benefit.
I'm a human, you're a human, everybody is human. Every...body... As in human body, is an animal capable of understanding kindness and nature. We have the ability to resist the chemical torrent of adrenaline, dopamine, and norepinephrine as well as the deficit of all three. This shortfall that prevents us from avoiding such pain and unwarranted destruction among a great distance.
It's depressing, it's unnecessary, and we have no reason for this lack of reason.



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