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Terrorist Attacks in France by Domnul Eduard

Un moment du silence pour nos français frères. Obscurité a envahi la pays du Soleil.
(A moment of silence for our French brothers. Darkness invaded the country of the Sun (King, Ludovic XIV)

Over 150 innocent lives have been confirmed dead in last night's terrorist attacks in Paris. Truly, this is a troublesome era for civilization as its very foundations are shaken by the pathetic roars of barbarism and savagery.

And this makes me utterly mad and bitter. After all, one would have to be very, very naive not to have expected this to happen the moment the European Union bowed down like a whore devoid of dignity to the "refugee" crisis and opened its borders (in contradiction to its very own laws and principles) to these illegal immigrants.
And now, for the errors the government officials have committed, innocent lives now have to pay with their very own souls as the governments we, ourselves, elected, neglect their own citizens' interests and their countries' integrity in favour of Political Correctness.

How could they not have expected this to happen? They were basically accepting thousands and thousands of people who express complete irreverence, hate, and defiance towards the laws and culture of the countries they have the pretentious to be accepted by. Not to mention that many of them could have been, and were proved to be, infiltrates ISIS terrorists.
How does it feel to know that over a hundred innocent lives, innocent youths, have died last night just because European governments lack the dignity and the spine to act and fight for the good of their own countries? Maddening, I tell you!

Maybe now Europe would have realized its mistakes, and do what it should had done from the start. A pity that innocent lives have to be wasted in order for our own to realize its errors.
Not to be mistaken, this is not only our governments' fault. We are all to blame for this, for sitting idle and passive against these murky tides, these darkening waves.

To my fellow brethren in Europe... Simply sharing hashtags and statuses over the internet will not solve anything. Do you want those lives not to have been lost in vain? Do you want your dear loved ones not to risk this same fate? Then support the fight against illegal immigration.

And to my fellows in the America... Do not follow the same mistakes Europe has done concerning illegal immigration. It will only be you, the innocents, who will have to suffer.

I am afraid this won't be the end, and this was not even the tipping point... What has happened in Paris may certainly continue in other places all over Europe.

Terrorist Attacks in France

Domnul Eduard

Journal Information
