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Commissions full! by Or-Fi-S

I've finished up everything I owe, so time to open up commissions!

Here's how it works: I don't have a hard queue, but rather, a goal to hit. Once I have $500 or more in commissions, that's it. If I only have like $490 or something, I'm still open.

I'm open for the following commissions

$65 Full body pics (or $100 for two interacting characters)

This will get you a full body picture of your character

$50 shortstack wing-it pics.

This will get you a character of squished proportions that are left up to me. You give me a character, and 3 keywords, and I'll draw a shortstack of them

Both of these commissions can only have minimal backgrounds, or with props, which cost extra. Feel free to ask if you have something you'd like, but I want to keep scenery simple this run.

and lastly, I have 1 slot open for a Galactic Maid commission!

This will get you a 2 page spread of a character of your choice, turning into a Galactic Maid, like my comic!

You get to work with me comic up with another zodiac sign to use, and what that means, or can just pick a sign, and leave the rest up to me!

A Galactic Maid comic will cost $500 This will end the queue wherever it comes up.

To claim a slot, comment below saying what kind of commission you'd like!

Queue: ($195/$500)

Commissions full!


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  • Link

    Hey Ficus, been a fan of your art for some time now. Would like to get something of my character's and a friend's cuddling and smooching, a dragoness and a snake naga. Let me know if you're up for something like that and I can give you more details.

    • Link

      Sorry, I should specify. A quadrupedal dragoness.

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        that sounds like something I could probably do? But right now I'm only taking commissions during streams, 1 at a time, and like, reserving a commission slot costs double what the commission normally would. If that's cool with you sure, send me a note.

        • Link

          Perfectly fine by me! I'll note you later on with details and keep an eye out for when you're streaming.