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Commission slots coming soon! by cheshirecatsmile37

Hey, everyone!
I hope everyone had a nice Halloween! <3

I'm closing up on my commission queue!
I have 2 commissions left! I'm currently sketching the next one out, and my last one isn't fully paid for so I'm not going to worry about it now
But that means that commissions will be opening again soon!

I'm not sure how many slots I'll be opening at the time
We ran into some financial issues, so I'm going to try to do commissions "full time" and hopefully finish them up quicker - it worked pretty well last week, I finished 2 Halloween commissions with a total of 8 images! Not bad for my slow art ass
But between these new commissions I'll also be working on another project, so I want to fit that in as well
I may do more YCH to give me a bit of a creative break as well

So all in all
Commissions will be opening soon! But please don't message me about claiming a spot early ;.;
I'm not sure exactly how many slots will be open
I'll probably do more YCHs to give myself a break but still be able to pay bills
I'm not sure about themed commissions, they may come back toward the end of November....pfft oh I wonder what that theme will be!

More info coming soon! But I thought I'd give everyone a heads up

Commission slots coming soon!


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