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The Ember of an Artist by Jiyu

I felt to write this, despite not being an artist, but having friends being one and how I look at the whole situation.

To be an artist is a tough battle. Not even one is spared by the pain and agony that goes into their personal journey to delve into the worlds they create. They will lose battles, they may lose faith, hope and yet, they battle on. When an art block strikes, when a comment just dragged them down, when life just felt to knock them down. When hours of hard work fail to impress, when lines just don't want to work with them, it is indeed: Art Souls

But not everything is dark and terrible on the path. It is difficult to reach the first stepping stones and every other beyond that, but there are many moments of light and joy. Praise the line

We all start little, when we were just simple kids. We take a piece of paper, a pencil or other utility and draw what we think looks like something we experienced in our head or have seen. Children don't cry over simplified art, they are proud they just did draw this stick figure. Isn't it funny how much more critical we get, the older we are? Why can't we just bring this innocent view of our childhood back? Just draw and even if it might look not the best, still be proud and accept it; this is what you are capable of doing right now and from here on strive to become better than your past works.

There are many artists out there and I went through many different ones. Those who simply accepted the praise and didn't feel like to challenge themselves anymore and those who express their passion for their work. It's not only a thing you, the viewer, can see but you feel it when you look at their artworks. When an artist reaches a distinct style that is theirs, you can tell from a thumbnail it's them, if you have the eyes for it. It is in my view as well a proof that they reached a good point where people can tell them apart from others. This is a goal one should go for. Style is an expression of your own character, you and only you. If one is in the right mood, you will see it reflected in their artworks.

Art is an expression of their creator, how they felt at that point and how much they cared; or not. I personally enjoy art of all kinds, because I like how they see something, which I see with different eyes. It is like a page in book I flip through and I can read the emotions, the feelings and the sides of a person, who usually wouldn't show this to strangers. I can emphasize or I can feel surprised. But above all else, for artists with a passion, I feel awe-inspired by the long way they marched, through all the darkness to seek their personal flame. How much time has passed until they reached this point?

And therefore it brings me to this point, where I feel confused how people still can complain that they might pay too much for an art piece from their favourite artist. You only look at artworks, you judge it and forget that art is a very subjective manner. There are no standards that tell what is good or not. After a certain point where you stop seeing someone still at the beginning of their journey, you should not judge by art style alone. Remember, they poured a lot of time into practicing their skills, they might have even gone to a school. It all adds up. It is experience you mostly pay, all that was already done to reach the here and now. I understand that money is usually an issue for all of us, but start to put yourselves into their shoes for a moment and ask yourself: Would you really work for someone for many hours and get paid only half of it or less than working another job? I'm sure you will agree that it is not acceptable.

If you really care, cherish and desire their art for your own idea, then save up money, even if it takes half a year. You will only cherish it even more once you can afford it. When something is difficult to achieve then you will savour it even more once you have it.

The Ember of an Artist


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