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Meet the Artist Meme! by SkyeWolfofDusk

I thought this would be a good way to start off my journal entries on here!


Name: Adam
Nickname(s): Skye, Fedora, Ravenpelt
Location: Northeast Ohio, 'merica.
Age: 15
Height: 5'7" (Will probably get taller)
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Pets: Ohhh boy
2 Golden Retrievers, Charlie and Phoebe
2 tabby cats (Mother and daughter) Juliet, Sammy
1 tabby-black mix, Jessie
About a dozen Peppered and Green Corydos catfish

Favorite thing about yourself: My sense of humor and my ability to not give a crap about what anyone says.
Worst Habit: I tend to chew on things, especially while thinking. I have destroyed many erasers, plastic bottle caps, and pieces of paper this way. My tablet pen may or may not have a few teeth marks on the end...
Fun Fact:

Identity, Sexuality, and Personality

Gender identity: Male (biologically female)
Sexual Preference: Homosexual
Romantic Preference: Panromantic
Relationship status: Taken
Kinsley Scale Score: 5 - Predominantly Homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual.
Myers/Briggs Type: INFP
Hogwarts House: (Really? -3-) Ravenclaw


Early Bird or Night Owl: Night Owl
First thoughts in the morning: "Ugh, I have to get up and take my awful tasting ADHD medicine..."
First thoughts before falling asleep: -insert shipping thoughts here-


Do you work, or are you a student: I'm a Sophomore at Ohio Virtual Academy. I'm planning on going into freelance art as a part time job, but I need to sort out getting a bank account and a paypal first.
Best Subject: I'm not gonna count Digital Art, so I'll say History.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: A freelance artist living somewhere other then my parents house.

Habits (Do you...)

Drink: Uh no, I'm underage..
Smoke: Same reason
Do Drugs: Also the same reason
Exercise: I do, but not as much as I should. I probably will once I get on testosterone.
Have a go-to comfort food: Not really, whatever's in the house at the time.
Have a nervous habit: As I said earlier, chewing on things.

What is your Favorite..

Physical Quality (in yourself): The fact that I don't get much acne, and that I am tol.
In others: Being physically strong, long hair.
Mental quality (in yourself): I'm very, very hard to offend. You can call me an emo transvestite faggot and I'll be like "Well your not technically wrong."
Food: Sunflower seeds
Drink: Anything with apples
Animal: Cory catfish.
Colors: Deep pinkish red, minty greens with black, and any shade of purple.
Band: Uhh wow this is hard, I love Three Days Grace (even with Matt as lead singer) but I also really like Simon Curtis, and Thousand Foot Krutch.
Author: Kate Cary, also known as part of Erin Hunter.
Actor: Sebastian Stan and Tom Hiddleston
Blogger: Uhh, idk..

Meet the Artist Meme!


Journal Information
