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People irritate me by Petra

So this guy that lives on the first floor of my apartment complains about the dog poop outside and blame it solely on me. First of all, I pick up my dog's poop. Second, there is a LOT of poop from at least two different dogs, most likely. Or at least one other dog. Yet, this guy only targets me!

I'm getting fed up with this man.

Then his wife tells my mom that three people have stated that I was the one leaving the poop and when my mom asked who those three people and the woman said she didn't know....My mom was like 'hmm. are those three people...happen to be your husband?' Haha!

So know what I'm going to do? Take a picture of them with their dog outside because they don't have her leashed at all. Then I'll have proof of what they do and I can turn them in. Yeah, maybe next time you shouldn't mess with Petra.

Also going to take my dog elsewhere to go potty because of these bullies. Shouldn't have to do that but I'm sick of being harassed.

People irritate me


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