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Absency, etc by Flightless

I have been increasingly less active, i know. After high school my mom wanted me to move out, but i didn't want to dorm because of bad experiences re: coming out. So i stayed with my dad for a year, figured it would be ok. It wasn't.
Background: i have xx chromosomes and identify as male bodied. I also have (chemically based) depression. When i was self harming and trying to die, my dad told me i was looking for attention in unhealthy ways and my transness was a phase to deal with my negative body image.
So, my dad is a jackass. One day he's just a dad and other days he could pass as possessed, you have to walk on eggshells not to set him off.. And as the semester carried on i became unable to take care of myself because of the stress i was under while living with him.
This summer i got a better paying job and my boyfriend helped me pay for top surgery. I spent a lot of time away from my dad's house trying to reorganise myself, and i made the decision to move out so that i can be a person and live comfortably.
I will hopefully be getting a cord in the mail for a scanner so i can show you guys what i have done :3 I think after that round of uploads I will be offering comissions, feel my way around. I have been working on a tos, etc, and i hope to have a couple spots for experimental commissions by the end of the month.

Absency, etc


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