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9-06 by HunterBahamut

deviantART || FurAffinity

Hey there everyone.

So I did it again; I ended up disappearing for a month. I'm really sorry about that.
Truth be told, August hit me really hard so my motivation has been on the low for a long time. While I have been able to keep up with some writing, my art has suffered a lot due to lack of motivation as well as some personal things. I'm still trying to recover and improve my mood and motivation, but it's been really kind of hard.

I'm also very behind on my messages, so I apologize for being quiet and not replying to anyone.

If you are at all interested in checking out my writings, feel free to go to my tumblr and check it out: they're mostly stories based on an 'alternate universe' of my friend Yark-Wark's Team Prototype setting. Use the tag 'bahamut writing' to find them.

I may end up trying something to help get my art going again, either trades or commissions or something else, we have to see. If you have any suggestions, feel free to throw them at me. If you're curious about trades or commissions, also fee free to throw them my way.

I also want to take a moment to thank the anonymous person who gifted me the core membership here. Sorry I didn't get much use of it, but it's really appreciated!
I also want to thank all of my friends and watchers here who have stuck with me all this time through my weird moments of inactivity. I really appreciate it and love you all.

Update: 9/06/2015: Added six new pictures to the gallery.



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