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Important Life Update for Fans and Commissioners by theblackrook

I tried to take off this week, but I haven't been able to. This week has been incredibly stressful and a lot of work needs to be done aside from the a lot of work that needs to be done on my commission. After tiring of hearing me suffer silently from whatever maladies befall me, I was forced by pandy to go to the doctor.

Aside from having a 137/116 blood pressure, which I am told is very bad. And my blood glocuse level being 289, which I know is bad. My doctor is apparently worried about my Kidneys. He has put me on 3 different medication and had instructed me to take it easy this week. And I tried, I really tried. He also wants me to do a little more control of what I eat and when, so I was doing that.

Sadly this has been a stressful week for me; I wont get into how bad, let's just say my mother getting mugged at gun point was not the worst thing that happened this week. I've tried taking it easy, gaming a little more. But sometimes due to necessity or uncomfortably, i'm not used to not working. I went back working and dealing with this and that and next week I have to try again.

To Commissioners
Today we will be sketching pages for the commission comic Art of Interrogation Exclusively. There has been too long on this one and there's another commission comic after it that also needs attention. We will be dedicating this weekend to those comic.

Tournament of Champions
Quite a great deal of these are just waiting to be colored. I've designated tuesday to work on them. This coming tuesday I will be working to get all the sketches out for those who have DLCs for this commission type. I will have Pandy contact everyone and let them know the score.

If you have a commission and you need an update on your status, please don't hesitate to contact me. Things have been byzantine, but it's my duty to makes sure my clients are all taken care of so I will be working on that this weekend and next week I will take it easy for the most part and work on managing things. The week after, will see me vigorously working.

Important Life Update for Fans and Commissioners


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    Hey man, take care of yourself.

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    Recommendations fro msomebody who already is a diabetic since 20 years:
    Get yourself a book on your work or on your art. Something non-electronic. LEave the computer one hour before you go to bed and read that book. All display devices switched off.
    Work through that book seriously. That is work. Learning, enhancing your own knwoledge.
    and the good thing is that your brain still can unwind from sitting at the computer.
    I have a very stressful job these days, too, and have to resort to that measure again after I didn't needed it for years.

    The book has to be interesting and relevant to your work, but there should be plenty of those.
    But it helps a lot to give the brain some downtime from staring at the screen.

    Stay healthy.