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Torutana strikes back, The Park, Notice by Grimmhelm

So recently the new DragonBall super started, the series pretty much covers the last 2 films and then moves on to a whole new universe and that's been middling since they keep jumping between animation departments which caused a bit of an uproar in the fandom and by dragonballs creator Akira Torutana who retaliated spectacularly.

In recent years the dragonball/dragonball z art style has been on a form of lockdown from Toei with webcomics and such been told to not use that artform for their work and some even been pulled down completely, however with Toei animations butchering of episodes 3 to 5 of DBS, Akira Torutana tweeted out more or less (and roughly translated):

"I am honoured that others wish to use my artform to express themselves, feel free too"

This is a little odd as he has never really cared in the past about anyone drawing like him and of course this really REALLY annoyed Toei as they are now put in a very awkward position, for years trying to keep a very tight control on what they deem their property and now the original creator and artist completely undermines them, it's an amusing state of affairs and I'm tempted to take Akira up on that little bit of revenge- I used to draw nothing but the dragonball style when I was in school and might be amusing to make a little comic in that style.

In gaming news some of you know I play a little MMO called The Secret World.

The premise of the game is that you through events slightly beyond your control end up joining one of the three major secret societies and fight myths and legends and the all consuming Filth that corrupts and eats all life.

Within this game in the second adventuring zone there is an amusement park - long abandoned after a series of unfortunate 'accidents', disappearances and deaths. Atlantic island park in an area called Savage coast.

As one of these chosen people who now have access to the power of Gaia (sentient lifeforce of the world) you more or less have godlike powers, martial magic. you can see the ghosts, fight off the zombies and evil beings within the park and its fecking scary as balls to boot...

And now they're making a standalone single player game where you play a normal human trapped in this very park... without your magic and your weapons and the backup of the various secret societies and been unable to see the evil around you...yeeep I hate horror games but this one I might actually play.

For those wanting to see the trailer then look here:

For those who want to know more about its origins just look up savage coast, park and secret world I'm sure you'll find stuff :3

Finally sorry I have not been around much this week, the family is all going on holiday and I'm having to watch the place whilst there gone so a lot of shifting around to temporarily move back to the family home but commissions are still open and I will get back to everyone whose sent me notes later today if I can!

Torutana strikes back, The Park, Notice


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