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Sick + other updates by Ravexen

The only positive thing in being sick is that you don't need to go anywhere and you can expect exactly no one to bother you if you live by yourself.

So yeah, third day of being sick. Dunno what you call it in English but it contains stomachache, nauseous feeling, possible feeling of fever and a shitload of diarrhea. Had to leave school early today because I felt like throwing up and the cramps were killing me. If this doesn't go away by itself, then I might need to see a doctor.

Everything that I have tried to eat, tastes like cardboard too.

Other than that, I've had a pleasant time these past weeks. Been hanging out with friends a lot, we even went to a gym last Thursday. It was fun. I was supposed to do a lot of things during the weekend but then this stupid sickness kept me in bed and at home the whole time. This is also why there wasn't a BBOOC art on Sunday.

Also my Minecraft comic project, currently entitled as 'Birthmark Reborn', has been doing well both script and character/world design wise. I might actually get to the point, where I start sketching the pages, later this year. Possibly even in September or November at this rate.

That's pretty much it for now. I'll get back to uploading art and my other comic on dA once I am completely healthy again.

Sick + other updates


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