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Hello! ;v; (Get to know watchers! ;O; ) by RainbowFoxy

I am not super active on here (or at least not as much as other places), and consequently, I don't have many watchers here, or interaction with my watchers for that matter.

So I wanted to get to know you guys! ;v; Say hi and stuff and maybe I will post weekly journals to chat with you all ;o; So for today's topic, what is your fursona species and why? And what kind of art do you like the most?

For me, my fursona (or upcoming one haha) is a fox because I relate to that animal the most. I have identified with cats and canines before, but one or the other extreme in personality never quite fit me. Thankfully, foxes are something in between! And the temperament and personality of the animal matches me quite well ;v;

So yeah! Don't feel restricted to the topic, just chat away and feel free to ask me stuff!

Hello! ;v; (Get to know watchers! ;O; )


Journal Information



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    Hello hello!~ :D

    Just a simple dog here (felt like I could relate to GSD the best)~ :3c I'm an avid fan of traditional works - particularly studies! How about you? What kind of art catches your eye?

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      I really like all types of art, really! I gotta say, my favorite things to view are stuff with a good attitude and atmosphere. Stuff like nicely rendered colored sketches are good! I really like the motion and attitude present in a sketch that tends to be absent in finished lineart. Alternatively on the other end of the spectrum, I adore detailed, finished and well-rendered pieces with good lighting and extremely pushed mood, the kind of art that really makes you feel what its trying to convey.

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    My fursona species is a hybrid :) A Goat x Cougar hybrid
    I have some feline personality traits and I wanted a local species with easily to replicate colors so I picked cougar. And Goats are one of my favorite animals and they are expressive, stubborn and curious which I felt was a good fit as well. I went with mostly goat and some dashes of cougar and it comes out like:

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      oooh, that badge is really nice, the species mix surprisingly well! I can relate with the feline personality traits nwn I have some myself, though also express canine traits, so fox it was! :D The interesting thing about foxes and why they are basically like cats in a canine body is because niche wise, the area in a habitat that the fox inhabits is generally a niche that suits a small feline. So foxes happen when a small canine inherits the niche of a feliform, you get a fox! A feline-like dog thing :D

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        That's so perfect! It feels nice when you can connect so well with the species you choose :) And I really want to pet foxes now lol.

        My original fursona was a Sphinx (black panther body/white wings/human head) and I feel like I moved away from that over the past few years. Too much cat and really hard to draw lol, My goat just feels like a better fit, and I can draw her myself which is nice :)

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          Thats good! Fursonas are a great thing for self-discovery imo

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    Hey hey!

    My fursona is a wolf demon~ Part of what got me into furrydom was drawing werewolves, of which I always wanted to be one. Plus I love demons. Plus its a good way to combine a bunch of neat things into one character (horns, wings, spikey tail, beasty fangs) while still keeping the unified wolven look. Plus I guess it represents the strength I've used to get through things in my past and continue to use to get through stuff...
    And uh, I'm a femdom. So, apparently most wolves are doms, and demons, so, yep.

    And I like ALLLLLL the art. I guess go through my faves to find out xD

    And foxes are great animals :3 I personally worked with a white morph red fox and a silver fox before when we were working to rehabilitate them to the wild. Such smart animals. And very cute.

    Why the rainbow color scheme for yours?

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      Sweet! I know that feel of kin to wolves and werewolves, I relate to them in a way, too, but I have grown more into foxes. My first fursona when I first got into the furry fandom was a giant white wolf that would glow with runes when she used her powers. She was like a fallen star or something, I don't even remember.

      Foxy as a fursona, her colors were largely very symbolic. Without going into excessive detail, the rainbow hair and tail represented my varying personalities, creativity, artistic ability, etc that oftentimes isn't readily outwardly expressed while the black and white body markings were representative of the dulled down and simplified versions of ourselves we oftentimes put forth into the world from fear of judgement or coming off as too much to strangers. Overall she is a metaphor for a desire of perfected self representation. When I made her, she was something that I felt I was internally, but also something I could hide behind. A beautiful, thin and confident persona. In the recent years, I have disassociated from my rainbow fursona since I have grown more comfortable with myself. Or at least, I have accepted myself as I am and do not feel the need to hide behind a perfected version of how I would want to be. So I am in the process of creating a new fursona, but I haven't found the time to really get to it :U New fursonie is a brown marble fox, her body type, hair, any imperfections, etc are going to be as close to me irl as possible c:

      and auauhgghhh I love foxes, I have seen them at zoos and sanctuaries, but never gotten to interact with one! lucky. :3

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        Lol my first one was a white tiger who was a fallen angel or something? I don't really remember either. Its funny how we evolve and change. Heck, even ryuukin's horns have slowly evolved as I've made her. But I think I finally have settled on a horn design I love based on the horns of Jacobs sheep

        Oh nice! I can't wait to see the new one! Marbled foxes are super cool! I've been half debating revamping the color scheme for Ryuukin as well I just can't seem to figure out what to make it next since dark colors are befitting for demons, but being an ALL BLACK character is a bit rough

        Hehe yeah :3 they were very sweet. They'd come up to us every morning and laugh and wag their little tails.

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          omg thats sounds so precious, foxes are just <3

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    I'm not active much on Weasyl either, it's pretty much just when FA screws up that I try to be active on this account, but once FA corrects the mistake, I generally return back to them after a bit.

    Well, in regards to my fursona, I'm probably a workaholic as it pertains to getting stuff done that I need to get done, so thus why I ultimately arrived at a beaver. I originally was a fox, but I concede that I'm a bit too boring a person to pull that species off. Also, I'm not comfortable eating meat (I do anyways, but try to avoid certain kinds of meat), so a herbivorous species is nice. I'm actually toying around with a new one as kind of a joke as it pertains to what I'd be willing to do in exchange for an off-world ticket to a better planet (with a generous subsidy thrown in as well), so once I can draw the species better, I'll be posting that one in time.

    By the way, if you're curious about my icon, originally, it was of a wolf head with the Greek letter Omega on it, but I had a falling out with the artist, so the gentleman's top hat was the only thing I had available at the time to replace it with, but now I find it too fitting to change, since I do make an effort to be as polite as possible, even if it means coming of as a bit boring at times. Odd how that works sometimes.

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      Thats a really neat take on things. About the hat AND your species. I don't see many beavers around honestly, its mostly wolves, foxes, some cats/felines most of the time. Or hybrids. Beavers are super neat! <3

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    Hi :) I watch you on dA where my nick is werevixeneye. I'm also not very active here but I hope it'll change in the future ^^
    My fursona? hmm I don't have fursona yet but I have some OCs and the main of them is a dragoness. But I also like wolves and am planning to make wolf and fox OCs or even gryphons so who knows which one will be my fursona ;) For now it can be Endless Galaxy who is on my avatar right now.
    I also like cats and dogs but dogs are too tamed if it comes to creating an OC ;)
    I love digital art, escpecially when there are animals or fantasy creatures ^^

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      Yeah, sometimes making a fursona can be difficult if you relate to too many things! So then you can just mix them all up together to solve the problem XD

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        That's quite an interesting idea. I think I should do as you say xD