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Artistic Self Portraits by MorganWasHere

I uploaded self portraits that are artistic. If those get taken down, then what am I suppose to do?
If people just want me to take them down, I'm not. Because most people get jealous of other people's are.
I'm sorry that I have an eye for Photography. Sometimes people just need to deal with it.

Artistic Self Portraits


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    Photography in and of itself is an art form. That's why people hire professional photographers for everything from class photos to weddings, and that is where we get all the photographic prints that people spend hundreds of dollars on.

    I think the only argument that could be made against your photos would be the picture/camera quality itself. Some people might feel it's not "good enough" to qualify as "actual art" in spite of any editing. Another thought would be to broaden the subject matter. Don't just take selfies, take photos of the world around you. A tangle of branches that makes an interesting shape, a bird you almost got close enough to touch, a river or stream. Or perhaps experiment with color, poses, and/or props. I have a collection of swords that I had taken several photos with, and to make a few of them more interesting I took them into photoshop and added special effects, like glowing blades or a fireball in the free hand. Have fun with it.