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No More Sandwiches by KawaiiXeno more Subway for me...

I got sick last night, my nose was constantly running and I felt like absolute crap, especially the looks that people gave me while I was fixing their food. I wanted to go home before my shift ended but I finished out the night. This morning I wake up sick as a dog. I call in to work and tell them I'm sick. I get told to call the "Teledoc" and get a prescription on my way to work.

Teledoc is this new system at work where you call this doctor hotline, they give you a consultation over the phone (which costs you like $40) then give you a prescription at your nearest pharmacy (which costs more money). And that's money I don't have.

You'd figure being a restaurant that handles peoples' food on the daily, they'd be more concerned about the public health. Well...that's not the feeling that I got today. And it turns out, the Subway where I worked at has let people work while they were sick. I'm sorry...but that's just gross. I wouldn't want sick people handling my food and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't either.

And this isn't the first time Subway has let their employees work while they were sick. This poor girl was forced to work while puking her guts out with a stomach virus. After she had passed out and was taken to the hospital, Subway then fired her for "poor performance and insubordination.";

I know I needed this job to support my family, but when you do something that goes against my's just wrong. I feel like I failed my family by quitting, or getting fired whichever one comes first. So it looks like commissions will be back up again shortly since my family is going to need your support once more.

No More Sandwiches


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    What has seemed to always be the case with the working world is that the more important to public safety it is that you not be at work if you're sick, the more likely you are to get fired for calling in sick.
    It's stupid, it's counter-intuitive, it's frequently illegal, and it's standard operating procedures.
    Sorry to hear this happened... :/

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      Thank you for your condolences and your overall opinion on the matter :'3