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lonely lil update by cptmercier

i have to apologize for continuing to go IM GONNA GET ACTIVE HERE and then doing nothing. things got busy with me looking for a job, and i also haven't been drawing as much.

so i got a job but i'm unclear what i'm doing right now. i work for walmart. :/ my co-workers seem pretty decent and there's some good people there and some good customers. but i was originally shoved into cashier work and i have social anxiety and the pressure of working the register at the front end is way too much. i tried cart pushing for a couple days, but i cant do it in the heat of the day. i can handle pushing carts, just not under the afternoon sun. so then i'd go in and do returns and it's helping me learn basically where a lot of things are. i wanna be on the floor in electronics tho. so i need to talk to my supervisor when i go in tomorrow.

basically work has been a bitch. this is my first job and it's wrecking me, tbh. LOL but i'm slowly adjusting. i will upload some of my older stuff i've done over the past few months tho, but stagger them and not upload everything in one day. i'm gonna make an effort to get active here.

and i thank anyone who comments on my journals! and apologize that i never responded. gonna work on that too. thanks to those who keep answering my questions. <3

edit: man it's still gona take a long time to get used to larger thumbnails... LOL

lonely lil update


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    -Sending strength, hugs and support your way.- YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! <3