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get to know meme by TurkFish

I've seen like 3 people post this so

Name: Turk
Nickname: literally whatever you want (some people call me by my real name, Mikala/Mikey)
Location: Arizona
Age: 17, but I turn 18 in a month so I usually just age myself up.
Height: 5'4"
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Pets: Well I have a dog, but she's back home w my brother while im at college....
Favorite thing about yourself: My hair I guess
Worst habit: Procrastination
Fun fact: SHIT uhhhh....I wrote a play (a one-act) that got produced on stage once, and people paid real money to go see it. (I didn't get paid, but I got all the credit and the actors loved me)

Identity, Sexuality & Personality
Gender identity: idfk I think I'm genderneutral but I'm struggling rn a lot
Sexual preference: I'm demi, but tbh might be ace bc sex is gross,,,,,
Romantic preference: Pansexal!!
"Kinsey Scale" score: tbh I don't remember, I was somewhere in the middle
Relationship status: not interested
Myers/Briggs type: enfp
Hogwarts house: people dub me as a hufflepuff idk what that even means

"Early Bird" or "Night Owl": Night Owl, but I like morning time...if I stay up all night.
First thought in the morning: "No"
Last thought before falling asleep at night: "i wonder when this fanfiction will update"

Do you work or are you a student: Well I'm a college student, and when my face is fixed I'm gonna get a job. So both???
What do you do well: Art and acting /o\
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: A trashcan as a sad homeless artist.

Habits (Do you…?)
Drink: Not regularly, waiting til I'm 21.
Smoke: N'ah
Do Drugs: fuUUUCK thah, no
Have a go-to comfort food: tbh when im sad i dont eat
Have a nervous habit: I turn bRIGHT RED DOES THAT COUNT

What is your favorite…?
Physical quality (in yourself): My hairrrrr
In Others: Comedic value, and I mean being funny in the NOT asshole way.
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): My sense of humor
Food: Chicken nuggets B)
Drink: Kool-aid
Animal: Goat
Colors: Pink, and I tend to like yellow, too.
Artist/Band/Group: Owl City
TV Show: Teen Wolf, Steven Universe...and a bunch of anime that I won't list off... (I'll list Free!, Haikyuu!!, Dramatical Murder, and SNK, tho bc those are my main obsessions)
Video game: Legend of Zelda

get to know meme


Journal Information

