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Artist Meme by Slainmonkey

Name: Paul
Nickname: Slain/Austin (well more that some have mistaken that for my name)
Location: Melbourne/Australia
Age: 28 (though that'll be a different story in a month)
Height: 5'11"
Zodiac sign: Virgo (how very fitting)
Pets: A cat and a dog
Favorite thing about yourself: I don't take my self loathing out on others.
Worst habit: Biting the shit out of my fingernails when I'm nervous or in other words, a LOT!
Fun fact: I'm the person who did the title card that's used on those Gooby videos on youtube.

Identity, Sexuality & Personality
Gender identity: Agender
Sexual preference: Asexual
Romantic preference: Aromantic
"Kinsey Scale" score: X
Relationship status: Don't have, don't want!
Myers/Briggs type: INFP
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff

"Early Bird" or "Night Owl": Night owl, but sometimes that's not by choice.
First thought in the morning: "Agggh, what's going on?".....I'm really not a morning person.
Last thought before falling asleep at night: "Why can't I get to sleeeeee...."

Do you work or are you a student: Sadly currently neither due to health reasons...
What do you do well: I'm good at drawing I guess, also I have an oddly wide vocal range.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Still alive hopefully.

Habits (Do you…?)
Drink: Not regularly but every now and then.
Smoke: I smoked weed once....
Do Drugs: Like I said, I smoked weed once.....
Have a go-to comfort food: Not really......I'll just eat what ever shit is laying around the house when I'm depressed.
Have a nervous habit: Like I said earlier....I chronically bite my finger nails.

What is your favorite…?
Physical quality (in yourself): hands I guess since they are the only things that do anything worth while.
In Others: People like my eyes for some reason....
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): I guess I can take a lot of mental abuse...
Food: I'm kinda on an Indian food kick currently but I can't think of anything specifically.
Drink: Appletiser
Animal: I don't like picking favourites when it comes to animals.
Colors: Green
Artist/Band/Group: Iron Maiden....excluding their 90's crap!
TV Show: Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and Wonder Over Yonder currently......dunno about my favourite ever though.
Video game: Hard one because I can be fickle, but Super Metroid seemed to come to mind at the moment!

Artist Meme


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