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Re: Commissions, Projects and online habbits by Draekos

Hey folks, feels like it's tile to do an update to things.

TL;DR: Closed for commissions to work on a few projects, you'll hear about them soon. Streams will be attempted to be regularly run. Sanity is for the weak.

So, for those of you wanting more than that rundown:
Yes, I'm closing for commissions, at least to some extent. I'll still be doing streammissions, but those will be just soft render work (or sketches or other 'quick' drawing). Why? Well, that's a bit of a badly kept secret, but a secret none the less. There are a few things still needing to be done before I can unveil it. But I hope you all will be onboard when I do :D

I've also considered throwing up another set of YCH images, soft render, worked on on stream. So that's a thing!

And as for the streams themselves.
I have a window of time that seems to work: 1-7 PM(CDT) Tues, Wed, Fri and possibly Sat. Basically the days my wife is at work and I don't have things I need to be doing with my evening. I may only do 2 of those days, Wed + Fri stream for commissions and just 'this isn't the thing I'm working on' work? I'll see how things work out.

Sooooo yah.
Done with ti now I think.

Re: Commissions, Projects and online habbits


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