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Limited Standard Commissions Opening Saturday by StangWolf

Hi again y'all!

Okay so as promised I've got more of the final information nailed down to give everyone a better idea on what I'll be offering commission wise. I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of a few things ahead of time! So if you're interested please take a look!

  • I will open for Standard Commissions (all media options available) on Saturday, 07/18/2015. Possibly in the AM but definitely by mid-afternoon. (I'm in Texas so CST applies)
  • Only 12 slots total will be available
  • Each slot will have a specified media type available (i.e., 2 sketches, 3 ink, 1 graphite, etc.)
  • If desired you are more than welcome to claim multiple slots.
  • Once all slots in a specific type are taken that media option is closed. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on these through my journal as we go along.
  • I will be open for these until all slots are filled OR until Friday, September 09/18/2015 at midnight.
  • This will likely be the last round I take until early 2016 (January or February).
  • Please be aware my standard commission pricing will apply. I haven't offered standard commissions in years so I want people to be heads up, the previous commissions I've done have all been special offers where the pricing and options were different (WING-ITs or sketches).
  • There will be additional costs that will apply depending on what you might want in your commission. Such as complex designs and backgrounds.
  • There will also be potential additional fees depending on what you want as well (adult art is included in this).
  • Standard turn-around will apply to these. So average 2 month completion.
  • Shipping will be an available option for these commissions if you desire! Just be aware shipping isn't default and shipping costs will apply if you want the original.
  • I'll have links to my final Terms of Service and Detailed Price List & Additional Examples via Google Docs.
  • I'll also be testing out a Terms of Service Agreement Form via Google Docs as well. Link will be on my Terms of Service document.
  • I'll also be housing all commission status information on Google Docs as well (where my currently linked Commission Que link takes you! It's on my profile right up at the very top!) So definitely keep an eye out there if you'd like to keep track of your commission!

That's about it!

I've got an ad together to post to my gallery when I'm officially open. My Terms of Service is ready for upload, my TOS agreement form is ready so all I've got left to do is put together my Detailed Price Guide & Additional Examples document. From there it's just waiting until Saturday!

Please be aware too, the current links to my Terms of Service and Prices and Examples are out of date. I'll be updating them officially tomorrow evening after work (likely sometime after 7PM CST) if anyone wants to take a peek ahead of time but right now those aren't official.

With that I'm going to go clean up the kitchen, go take a shower and soak in the tub (my lower back is hurting, Sciatic nerve is pissed), see if I can stretch some to help, and then I'm getting in bed to call it an early night.

OH I'll also be getting to some of the emails from before I left for vacation or that came in while I was on vacation, and I'm going to do my best to get to comments and notes here too this weekend!

I love you all and truly do appreciate your continued support, you have no idea!

Until next time,

Limited Standard Commissions Opening Saturday


Journal Information
