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Anthrocon and Dadcon report by van-weasel

First off, shout out to everyone I got to see. I met a lot of cool new folks and got to see old friends and I wish there'd been enough time for everyone. I think for the sake of ease I'll just break things down by day/bullet point bc it's easiest.

Assume at any time I use "we" I mean me and Anfael bc we were basically inseparable and possibly body merged.

  • On Thursday Anfael flew in to Newark, drove 2 hours to pick me and ravenhallow up. We had an approximate 6 hour drive to Pittsburgh accompanied by Dee D. Jackson's Cosmic Curves album and a whole heckin' lot of new wave until my ipod died. We hit rain that was so fierce that we almost pulled over. We also trolled eachother with Minions related snackfood

  • AC 2015 was basically Minions con because we kept drawing them, giving eachother gag merch and Anf and I even commissioned GalaxyOwls for Minion-themed badges:
    Also here's some Miniontaurs:

  • Thursday night I got to run into a lot of friends right off the bat and got invited to room parties. We were too tired though and got an early night after going out for burgs and beers with Lexx.

  • Friday I had to get up early for Art Show setup. I'd never participated in any of the selling aspects of cons before so this was a learning experience for me. It went smoothly and the staff were all very nice (at least the folks I interacted with) though there was a good deal of waiting in line. I didn't end up even looking at the rest of the show when it was open. At closing I found I hadn't sold a darn thing but now I feel better equipped for the future. I'm definitely putting stuff in next year's show!

  • Anf brought me coffee and bagels every morning while we got ready for our day and tbh that's so much easier than getting breakfast with people. Meals at cons always spill over into the next meal and take a long time.

  • Got Qdoba with a friend who was wearing a Syndactyl Arts leather mask and a bunch of people wanted to try it on lmao

  • Visited a friend's Art show in the area and met up with a bunch of pals from school! I showed them around the con a bit and we had drinks together. Unfortunately they couldn't stay for a full day but it was neat seeing all my classmates/alum friends at the convention. I basically was part of the coolest art program ever.

  • Friday night fursuiting:

  • Cuckcon 2015

  • Watched the fursuit parade on Saturday. We were too tired from the previous night's shenanigans to participate. Somehow I missed seeing the bizarre confed flag fursuiter (just in time for the fursuit parade to go outdoors to the public. I was told that the crowd booed him lol)

  • Spent a good portion of Saturday drawing in the Zoo. At some point I'll have to share scans of all the goofy stuff I drew/received. Here's a thing I drew that I really liked:

  • Saturday we planned to get lunch but it turned into dinner with skittle fritter and a couple folks who's FA names I don't recall. We were at the Sharp Edge comic sans bistro and got big indulgent burgs and Lindemann's Framboise. I had to scold two people to pick up french fries because they were throwing them at eachother lol

  • Stayed up til 4am basically talking with hein_fokker and some of his friends along with dickbitchmolly. It was great getting to talk about life and to be collectively introspective.

  • Sunday was more zoo time and also picking up my (unsold :c ) art pieces. I gifted one away and friends are buying the other two so w/e.

  • Muscle Scoobytaur:

  • Sunday I had my traditional AC curry with chronoteeth and a gaggle of others at Nicky's Thai. We also met some nice folks while waiting for the restaurant to open at 5.

  • Drove back with ravenhallow and pierrezaius for Dadcon and blasted a bunch of Neil Cicierega albums.

Shoutouts to Czgoldedition, Thebogosphere, Rhumbarat, Pools, rudethefox, chronidu, fishyboner, tittenkits, zippiner, dickbitchmolly, chronoteeth, pierrezaius, shag, scurrow, bobskunk, kitsunefoxman, dreamaria, eaglebird, thedeadwalk89, mx_scade, cherryvincent, ciel lion, homeless taco, toberkitty, Ritts, Skittle, Fritter, Pinardilla and anyone else I might be forgetting (I'm a little worn out still). It was so good seeing you all again/meeting some of you for the first time!

Anthrocon and Dadcon report


Journal Information



  • Link

    Was cool getting to meet you. I also saw the painting you gave Hein, it was pretty neato 🐮

    • Link

      Yeah it was nice getting to hang out! Thanks man!

  • Link

    It was super cool meeting you! I loved your pieces in the art show and me and pools are gonna hold onto those sketches you made for us FOREVER

    • Link

      Weh thanks! It was great meeting you and Pools!

  • Link

    Sounds like a lot of fun! Glad you all had a great time. :3

    • Link

      It was a really good time, thanks!

  • Link

    It was great to hang with you again, as always :3