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Legend Hunters Podcast #27 - Farewell LeoForce (For Now...) by ReidoRaichu

Well Leo You certainly are a person that We'll ever forget. Your puns and jokes have driven both Zer0 and Legend Insane.
But You are still our friend and we will miss you when you leave. This will be the last official podcast that you are a part of for quite a while i am betting.
But hopefully we can still nab you on skype for a recording or two in the future.

For now Lets send you off with a bang (No pun intended) as this podcast breaks a record for us for the number of Douchebags we have to talk about.

Enjoy the shenanigans~

Episode 27

Please Keep Circulating the Links~

This is DeathZer0 of The Legend Hunters Signing Off~

Legend Hunters Podcast #27 - Farewell LeoForce (For Now...)
