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Anthrocon 2015 Meme by Dreamerwolf

Where are you staying? The Westin

What day are you getting there? Thurs.

How are you traveling? Greyhound there, Amtrak home

Who will you be rooming with? PriestessShizuka

How is the best way to find you? Look for my suits, or at the Silver Sky Studio table.

Are there any panels events you might be attending? Def. Uncle Kage's story hour, and there are many others! I'll also be co-hosting a 'Furries in Doctor Who' panel.

What do you look like? 38, dark hair and eyes, glasses (Unless I have contacts in), usually dressed in a geeky t-shirt ;P

Will you be suiting? Yep! TARDIS Kitty and Luna

Do you do badges? Yep! Preorder one now for $15! I may be up for trades at the con, if I'm in the zoo drawing, join me!

What is your gender? Female

How tall are you? 5'3 ish

Can I talk to you? Sure! I'm really hoping to make new friends in the fandom. My circle has become rather small :

Can I touch you? In suit hugs are good!

Can I visit your room? Well, if I know you, or invite you to

Can I buy you drinks? That'd be very nice. I don't drink too much, but I'd be happy to hang out or chat over a drink.

Can I give you stuff? Anything but germs! lol

Can I hug or snuggle with you? I'm usually okay with hugs, just ask first. Don't be creepy.

Are you nice? I try to be! Let's hang out and you can judge for yourself.

Do you have an artist table? Not exactly. Silver Sky Studio has a table to promote Wolf, and I will be assisting.

Will you be going to parties? Probably not, unless it's a drawing party :)

Will you be performing? Nope

If I see you, how should I get your attention? In suit, 'Hey, it's the TARDIS!" usually works lol. Otherwise, Dreamer, or Audrey.

Where will you be most of the time during the day/s? At panels, in the Dealer's Room or hanging in the Zoo.

What/where will you be eating? Something in walking distance. Not really sure otherwise.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc? If we're getting along, sure! I'm going alone, and eating alone is sad, so...just ask!

Can I look in/Draw in your sketchbook? Yep!

Can I take your picture? Yes, just ask first.

What’s your goal(s) for the con this year? To come away with some lasting friendships.

Anthrocon 2015 Meme


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