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Am I The Only One? by Cloud A.

Who gets tired of feeling like I don't draw enough?
I see all these amazing artists, inspirations and new-comers (I know I'm one myself but still) pumping out art like it's their job. Well there's my problem, I'm not treating it crucial enough. . .am I?
I set aside time out of my day to color when I am unable to sketch and sketch when I am unable to color, most consists of my mood, current drama (believe me, my Father does his best to cut years of my life span with stress), and living situations.

Commissions leave me with enough to support my art prowess and I have enough to restock my ink/colored pencils I need for all current uncolored commissions; I've been unable to do so because Summer Break started for my little brothers so I've been taking care of them, my Father is just being. . .well the usual, and the 27th I depart to WA for interviews for one week to find a job.

I will restock ASAP I just need a break in this busy timeline but that doesn't mean I'm not coloring or sketching, in fact if anyone wants to see how many sketches I throw away I can take pictures of my trash bin. It's a bad habit I know but sometimes you just get so frustrated you aren't going anywhere. High standards are high and I need to learn to accept drawing with hooves will always be difficult. (_/)

My wonderful fox is doing an amazing job living on his own it is a bewildering honor to know we'll be living together soon. The relationship has grown so much but with all the pleasantries there's experience to be learned and lessons to be taught.

Am I The Only One?

Cloud A.

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    I'm trying to get back into art myself. But other things prevent me from drawing art.

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    i think you know i feel pretty similar, even in the times i've been "active" every single piece takes forever and i'm a slow worker....i know you're not alone, but you will steadily get faster with time... don't worry.

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    no, you are not the only one