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Anthrocon 2015 Meme! by bloodyrabb1t

Where are you staying?
Westin, yo!

What day are you getting there?
Thursday I think?

How are you traveling?

Who will you be rooming with?
iTragedy astrumnovus boingboingbun ragerabbit arkrotarl Tyler and another bun. Basically a bunch of bunnies/

How is the best way to find you?
You can tweet me! I don't really give out my number much unless I know ya. My twitter is @wickedstrawbrry

Are there any panels you might be attending?
Uhhh... I unno. I might do some gamin' stuff and I might do Ironclaw. Honestly I'm mostly goin' to hang out with people.

What do you look like?
5'4, my hair is black and short. I'm usually wearin' a cap. I have some pic of me on my twitter.

Will you be suiting?
Maybe? I might end up borrowin;' someone's fursuit.

Do you do free art?
Uh.. I unno how much I'll be drawin'.

Do you do trades?
Not at this time?

Do you do badges?

If you have an Artist's Table, what will you be selling?
Ain't got a table.

What is your gender?
Ain't really got one. Just call me she or he. Whatever ya want.

How tall are you?

Can I talk to you?
Sure. I think I'm pretty easy to talk to. I don't normally open up too quickly unless I know someone for a bit but I do try to get along with people. I'm even easier to talk to when I ain't sober ;B

Can I touch you?
Uhhhh.. I'm a little iffy about touchin'. A friendly hug is alright but I'm not a super cuddly person.

Can I visit your room?
If I'm comfortable. Preferably if I offer.

Can I buy you drinks?
Sure but if you think you're gonna slip GHB in my drink...

Can I hug or snuggle with you?

Are you nice?
Sometimes, not always. I try to at least be civil.

Do you have an artist table?

Will you be going to parties?

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Yell out my name, "Strawbrry" or "Nikky" or "Bun King" or "Bun Queen"

Or poke me, but be careful /where/ you poke..

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Sure, if I invite ya

Can I look in your sketchbook?
If I bring it, sure.

Can I draw in your sketchbook?
If I bring an extra one intended for that purpose.

Can I take your picture?
If I agree to it.

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
See people, old faces and new, and of course party and have a good time.

Anthrocon 2015 Meme!


Journal Information

