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Art/Breakthrough Hiatus ~ 6/15 - 8/5 (Dates Rough) by Rackiera

Hey people,

While I absolutely hate to say it, I'm going to have to drop my pen and go on hiatus earlier than expected. I did plan on this a long while back, since I knew I was going to be shipped off to Germany for a week (6/30 -> 7/7) and then have a visitor around until at least the end of July. (I mentioned this back in February (on dA though).) Unfortunately, I have to cut off sooner because of my school finals.
Due to a copious amount of snow this winter, I lost about eight days total of school. Therefore we get out of school on the 24th of June rather than the 14th. My finals start this Friday and end next Wednesday and I need time to prepare and study. If I were to try to focus on art and Breakthrough AND studying/preparing, my day would look like this, hour by hour: study, study, study, study, breakthrough, breakthrough, sleep. I'd much, much prefer to replace that time I'd work on Breakthrough (generally free time) with playing with friends and socializing since I would probably go literally insane if I had to just work my butt off all week doing that.
I'm not so sure about next week and it's possible that I could do Breakthrough then, but still unlikely. I will, however, post the sketch of the next page as a promise for continuation and see about working on it during the long plane flights and car rides that this summer entails. For now though, I'm going to have to call it quits.

Once again, I'm so sorry, but my life and sanity comes first as Breakthrough is literally only something done in my free time for my own - and your - enjoyment. Thank you all for sticking with me!

Btw if I can't draw, I'll use this time to work on the Breakthrough secret project. (Which is about half done, roughly.) I hope to reveal that to you by the end of the summer! I'll also try to reply to all your comments but I like to think out my replies, hence my slowness. (I've 17 waiting for me right now on dA.. why do I do this to myself?)

Thank you all,

Art/Breakthrough Hiatus ~ 6/15 - 8/5 (Dates Rough)


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