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i had a colonoscopy today by iamnottoway

and i'm glad i did, because two pre-cancerous polyps were discovered and removed. the doctor said if i had left them for four more years, they would have become cancerous. i would have had colon cancer, at age 28.

colon cancer is virtually unheard of in people my age. i can't tell you how many times i complained about my stomach issues and had people basically tell me to stop whining because i'm too young for it to be anything serious.

it doesn't matter how old you are. you know your body. if something isn't right, get it checked out.

on a lighter note, they gave me pictures of the polyps. i might frame them.

also, i woke up during the procedure for a few seconds and said something like "great, i never want to wake up with a tube shoved up my butt again." before passing out again.

i had a colonoscopy today


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  • Link

    Wow, glad they found that early!

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      me too! i came so close to canceling the appointment, but i'm so glad i didn't.

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    What sort of stomach troubles were you having before?

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      without going too much into detail, symptoms very similar to what you'd experience with IBS. that's the scary thing, though - my symptoms haven't stopped, which means they probably weren't related to the polyps in the first place. i don't think colon polyps generally cause any symptoms until they've developed into full-blown cancer. still, always a good idea to get things checked out if something doesn't feel right!

      • Link

        Does cancer run in your family? If you don't mind answering such a thing

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          not cancer, but stomach problems in general on my mom's side. my mom actually had part of her colon removed in january because of a suspicious polyp that kept growing back.

  • Link

    Ow dude, so glad to hear that you got it checked and it was found before it became anything serious!

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      me too! it terrifies me to think i had these... things... growing in me for years and had no clue about them!

  • Link

    Holy hell, glad that you caught them so soon o_o

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      me too! hopefully with careful monitoring they'll never be allowed to grow large enough to ever actually turn into cancer!

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    Ugh, doctors told you that??

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      yes! it wasn't a huge shock considering stomach problems run in the family on my mom's side (she had part of her colon removed in january because of an aggressive polyp that kept growing back), but still scary to think if i had cancelled the appointment, who knows when these things would have finally been discovered?? maybe by then, it would've been too late!